Archives for 2020

Friday, Nov. 20, 2020 – Another Ride at FDR

Hi Darlin’,
Slept the whole night through again (yay!), got up around 8:00, did chores and breakfast, and eventually went out to do some repairs. The spigot on the side of the trailer had come loose while it was at the trailer shop when I was out west, and today I set out to fix it for good. Of course, it’s never as simple a job as you think it’s going to be. I knew that sometimes there was a water drip from behind the spigot, but even though it was intermittent, I decided to fix it right before I secured it. It had one of those permanent type clamps on it and I couldn’t get it off, so I cut the hose short and had a heck of a time trying to get the clamp off the spigot, but eventually, with the help of a grapefruit knife, I was able to cut the hose back enough to slip it off. Then I had to use a regular water hose clamp to fix it, and that didn’t fit through the hole, so I had to put it all in place behind the metal frame, where I couldn’t see it, had to do everything by feel, so that was a challenge. One of those jobs where you really needed three hands. Eventually I managed it, though, and got it all put back together and secured it really well, so hopefully this is the last time I’ll have a problem with it. Then I tried to fix the one panel that’s bulging and put the trim back on, but it was impossible. Not sure if that’s ever anything that can be fixed without putting a whole new panel on it, but I struggled for a while before seeing it was futile. I also fixed one of the bars that separates the horses’ mangers, that’s been flopping around for awhile. I also noticed that one of my tires has a wide slash in the sidewall. Sigh. These tires have so much tread on them, and I have no idea why they keep getting sidewall slashes. I’m going to have to keep an eye on it, but I really don’t want to put the spare on if I can help it, because it’s a different brand of tire, and it’s totally a different size, even though the numbers match. This could become a big problem on the road, particularly since it’s on the driver’s side and changing it by the side of the road will be hazardous, I’m just not sure what to do with it, I’ll have to look at it again and decide if I should change it before I leave here. Problem is, it’s not just a short drive next time, like I’ve been doing lately, it’s the longest drive I’ve taken in awhile, though it won’t be on the freeway, I’ve got a route for mostly U.S. Highways. I’ll think about it tomorrow. Anyway, after all that, I took a short break, then saddled up Apollo and went out to finish all the rest of the trails on the map, except the Bridal Trail (yes, it’s Bridal, not Bridle), because I keep hearing that no one has cleared it in years and it’s impossible to follow, so I don’t need to invite that kind of annoyance into my life. The trails we took today were actually quite nice, not too rocky, not too hard to follow (with the help of my GPS, otherwise I would have gotten lost), but it’s small enough here where you wouldn’t stay lost for long anyway. The trails are covered in leaves now, not much left on the trees, but with the temps in the 70’s today, it was perfect, exactly what I keep trying to find! Lola and Apollo both seemed to enjoy themselves. I kept coming across these charming little structures attached to trees, and at first I thought they were bird houses or bat houses until I came to a mailbox with the flag up. Curiousity ruled, and I opened the mailbox and discovered it was a geocache station! Turns out all the structures were! There was even one intersection that had one shaped like a little jail! So cute! I read the instructions there, but decided not to join in today, though I already thought about seeing if there’s any horseback orienteering events in Florida, thought I might try to participate in one. Anyway, when I got back to camp there was a truck and horse trailer there, a day rider, who didn’t get back until about 5:00. I met him when I came out to feed the horses and we chatted for a bit. He has a dozen Paso Finos at home, plus the one he was riding today, so it was all about horses. Eventually he left, I got the horses fed, then settled down for the evening, as usual. Watched a good movie, Molly’s Game, now I’m heading to bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020 – Shopping Day

Hey Babe,
Another good night sleep (sans wine again, darn it!), woke up a bit before my alarm. After chores and breakfast I headed out to a place west of LaGrange, the nearest city, to pick up ten bales of hay. They’re light bales, not exactly fresh and green, but that’s not easy to find now that the growing season is over and I’m heading south into coastal country. I’m sure the horses will be fine with it. After picking that up I went to Tractor Supply to get three bottles of propane filled, then Walmart for the rest of my shopping, then finally, Moss Feeds back in Pine Mountain. They are a Nutrena dealer and happened to have a couple of bags of hard-to-find Balancer, so I stocked up with that. I already had two bags from the previous Tractor Supply, so I’m set for quite a while on that now. Got back to camp just after 2:00, grabbed some lunch after putting all the groceries away, then moved the hay and feed out of the truck into the trailer. By then I was pretty worn out, so I called it day and started my evening early. Finished watching the charming series Last Tango in Halifax, you would have like that for the most part. Anyway, I’ve got a few repairs to do tomorrow, and I’d like to get another ride in tomorrow, so I’m off to shower and bed. Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 – Second Ride at FDR

Hi Darlin’!
Finally, a good night sleep! Well, I woke up early, because Lola was fussing and worrying on something, so I finished my book, then slept until nearly 9:00, haven’t done that in a long time! Morning chores, a few odd jobs, then I saddled up Flash and headed out to do the “Cowboy Trail.” The trailhead leaves out of the stable area opposite where the trail rides leave from, and it took me a minute to find the beginning of it, but once I got on it, it was marked fairly well. It reminded me of McClennan, narrow trail with quite a bit of rocks, well and truly covered with leaves so it was a bit hard to see, but I managed most of the way, with quite a few creek crossings at one part, and a number of tenters way out in the middle of nowhere. Then we reached the same overlook as yesterday, and from there, the trail markings all but disappeared. There was an occasional marker at an intersection, but only saying it’s a horse trail, not the color of the trail, so following the map was impossible. There were no confidence markers whatsoever. I had downloaded my route onto my GPS, and I still missed a turn somewhere and could never find it. I followed some other trails that seemed a bit more used and ended up right back on the trail to the stable we used yesterday, which was not my intention, but I never could get back on the trail that I wanted. Once I downloaded the GPS file of where I went, though, I could see about where I went wrong, so it should be easy enough to track it by going out a different way, the way I had intended to come back on. Anyway, it was a nice ride. Flash was full of pep, and I don’t think he was too fond of the footing, so he kept trying to faster to get out of it, but maybe it was just because it’s been quite a while since we’ve been on our own, where he could do his own pace and not be slowed down by anyone else. He certainly took advantage of it! We went just about seven miles and it only took us two hours, so he was definitely on his quick pace today, which is always fun! Lola enjoyed herself, too, and hopefully the exercise will help her sleep tonight, she was so restless last night, or rather, this morning. Anyway, it’s another cold morning tomorrow, but then it’s warming up here, will be 20 degrees warmer by the end of the week. I’ve found some hay in nearby LaGrange, so I’m doing my shopping tomorrow, filling propane tanks as well, since I’ve been using a lot of it lately to keep warm. Just another fun day on the road! I had another nice, quiet evening, and now I’m headed off for shower and bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020 – First Ride at FDR with Stable Group

Hi Sweetie,
Well, it isn’t often that I go for a ride on that old slug Apollo and NOT be the slowest horse in the pack! But that was certainly the case today! After a better night sleep (though I read for a lot longer than usual before finally turning the light off), I did my usual morning chores, had breakfast, then saddled up Apollo at 9:30 and arrived at the stable just before 10:00 for their “two hour ride.” Of course, first they had to finish tacking up the horses and doing an orientation and getting everybody mounted up, so we ended up leaving the barn about 10:30. As we followed the trail I stayed in the back out of the way, but Apollo, despite his sluggish ways, kept catching up to the two slowpokes just in front of me, a buckskin and a palomino mare who kept laying her ears back and kicking every time we got too close, so I had to keep pulling Apollo back to avoid that. Imagine, pulling Apollo back to slow down! Crazy! Anyway, we rode out for a little over two miles, stopping to let the slowpokes catch up a couple of times. The trails were pretty rocky in some places, and we had a serious switchback that was fun and reminded me of the Grand Canyon, then reached a beautiful overlook that spread a lovely landscape before us. It was right on the road, so several cars stopped to take pictures, and of course, there was one little girl who wanted to pet the horses so I took Apollo to her. We hung around there for, I swear, over 35 minutes, before heading back on a slightly different, less steep trail. Toward the end, we actually got an opportunity to trot (at which point I jumped to the front of the pack, since there was no way I was going to stay behind a bunch of slowpoke amateurs), and before I knew it we were back at the stables. A total of about four miles, that was their two hour ride. But it was about what I expected, and it gave me a chance to get a little bit of the lay of the land, and I’ve already planned my ride on Flash (with Lola) tomorrow, though it’s going to be pretty chilly in the morning. Frost warnings for tonight, would you believe! I’m not far enough south yet!! Been using a lot of propane with the furnace, no doubt I’ll have to run out to the nearest Tractor Supply soon to make sure I don’t run out. I baked myself some chicken for dinner, with rice and vegetables, the first real meal I’ve had in ages that wasn’t soup or cereal or eggs. A nice change. So now I’m headed off for an early shower, have to wash my hair tonight and don’t want to go to bed with a wet head. Good night, baby! Love you!

Monday, Nov. 16, 2020 – Travel Day to FDR State Park, GA

Hey Darlin’,
Finally had a great night sleep, woke up just once and fell asleep again right away. See, no wine last night! Sorry to say that’s the problem, guess I’ll have to cut out the wine, sigh… Was up and at ’em at 8:00, had a quick bowl of cereal and finished packing up. Stephanie helped me with the slideout, it’s really starting to give me trouble now, I’m going to have to do some research to see if there’s a way to fix it without having to take the whole trailer apart. Managed to get out before 10:30, and since it was only about 60 miles away, I arrived just before noon. Turns out the “horse camp” is really nothing more than a parking area, and fairly small at that. There are a number of highline posts around the edges, so I pulled in front of the most level ones I could find, that also looked like it would give me some sun for my solar panel. I got the horses on the highline and got partially set up, then after I unhooked I drove over to the park office, thinking that that was where I had to pay, and after standing in line for 15 minutes, found out they had nothing to do with it, I had to go to the stables. So I drove back down to the stables, and even though they weren’t open for trail rides today, there were people around, and boss Daniel arrived a few minutes after I got there and got me signed in. He suggested I ride along with one of his groups tomorrow at 10:00, a two hour ride, and I think I will, just to get a lay of the land. It seems the trail map isn’t terribly accurate, so it might help to do that, so it’ll be Apollo tomorrow, since all their “ride” horses are quarters, and I’d spend the whole time trying to hold Flash back. Guess I’ll have to leave Lola home, too, but my plan is to take the long “Cowboy Trail” trail the following day, so she can come with me and Flash then. Got back to camp, decided not to put any chairs under the awning for now, since the days seem like they’re going to be too cool to be sitting outside anyway. The horses are just outside the door for a change, kind of nice to be able to see them out my bedroom window. Decided to just take it easy the rest of the day, so I watched TV and read. I had to run the furnace today, it’s getting that cool, and it’s low 40’s tonight so the horses have their winter blankets on again. Glad the drive was uneventful, though I’m looking forward to warmer weather and longer stays as I get further south. Moving every week is not my favorite thing anymore, can’t believe for a while there we were moving twice in one week! There has to be enough trails to make a longer stay worthwhile, and I’d like a few amenities for a change, I’ve been doing primitive too many weeks in a row. Water is a challenge here, I’ll have to transfer from the truck tank into the trailer, which is kind of a pain. Bobby had suggested getting a small pump to put on the tank, which would make things easier, and I may look into that. I can get more water at the barn when I need it, though, so it’s not too bad. Anyway, time for bed. I may even skip my shower, since I didn’t do anything to work up a sweat in the cold weather today. Good night, babe! Love you!

Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020 – Final Ride at McIntosh

Hi Babe,
Woke up before 4:00 am and couldn’t get back to sleep hardly at all, read for a long time hoping to doze off, and only did for a couple of minutes. Got up and fed everybody, had breakfast, then Bobby showed up to ride, but we waited for Stephanie, who I thought was coming early, but turns out that she didn’t make it until after 1:00 because she thought we were going for a morning ride, which I didn’t know. Anyway, we finally got out on the trail, then Lola started getting all funny for some reason. She was so nervous about being behind the horses that at one point she actually headed back to camp, I had to return and bring her back. Fortunately we weren’t too far along at that point. I’m not sure what’s up with that, she was fine at McClennan with three horses, but today it made her nervous. She finally managed to get out front, and she was much better after that. I guess it’s just being behind the horses that’s bothering here. Anyway, we had a nice 5+ mile ride today, with leaves dropping all around us as we rode though the late peak woods. We were only out about two hours, but Apollo managed to keep up with me and Bobby’s Tennessee Walker Legend, doing some jogging to keep up. I let them out on the grass when we got back (after I filled up the truck water tank), then Steph made us all some dinner, which was a nice change for me. Afterwards I had to get the horses in, and they weren’t very forthcoming so I had to meet them halfway out in the field to persuade them to come in. Then we sat around the campfire for a bit, I did Snowy River for them, then we broke up for the evening and I headed back to the trailer. Had my usual ice cream with Sleepytime tea (no wine today, though), which I’m hoping will help me get a good night sleep. I only managed to put a few things away, but the next place is only just over an hour south of here, so there’s no reason to rush out in the morning. I watched a couple of shows, now I’m ready for shower and bed, so I’ll say good night, darlin’! Love you!

Saturday, Nov. 14, 2020 – Another Short Ride with Stephanie

Hey Sweetie,
A slightly better night sleep, woke up just once and managed to get back to sleep fairly quickly. Was up at dawn though, about 7:00, to a lot of thick fog. I read a little, then got up and fed the horses, then drove into Carrollton, the nearest town, to get the propane tanks refilled. It was cold last night and I had to run the furnace a bit, and it’s going to get worse over the next few days, so I didn’t want to run short. I also ran into Kroger for some things I haven’t been able to get at Walmart, then got back to camp by 10:00. Stephanie and her daughter are coming today, they were supposed to get here fairly early but got delayed so they didn’t get here until after 3:00. I did some work in the meantime on the trail analysis I’m doing for Camp McClellan until they arrived. I had already saddled up both horses, while her daughter brought her own, and we took a short ride, just about an hour or so was all we could get in before it was too close to dark. I let the horses wander in the field for a bit before their dinner, they were slow coming in when I called but got there eventually. Stephanie’s delay prevented her from staying here overnight, but she’s planning on trying again tomorrow, hopefully she’ll get here early enough. They left just as it was getting dark, so I just got some leftovers together and settled in for the evening. Watched the worst Mel Gibson movie I’ve ever seen, then another episode of a charming British series about a couple of old folks that dated when they were teenagers, then lost track of each other, then got back together sixty years later and discovered they were still in love. Sound familiar? Reminds me of Charles Davis. Anyway, time for a quick shower and a long sleep, having had my sleepytime tea again. Good night, my love!

Friday, Nov. 13, 2020 – Second Ride at McIntosh

Hi Sweetheart,
Well, despite the sleepytime tea and the melatonin, I still woke up in the middle of the night and had to read awhile before getting back to sleep, darn it. Then I slept through till practically 9:00, so I guess I made up for most of it. I did a couple of loads of laundry, though this time I hung them up to dry since it was an absolutely gorgeous day here. I saddled up Apollo and took off around noon, doing the trails on the east side of the park, of which there were only about 4 miles worth, so we were back by 1:45. I actually got him to do a bit of jogging, which helped our time. The trails are quite lovely here, though at times they’re a bit hard to follow because newer tracks have been created when the older tracks got too worn down. Some of these trails look very old, and not surprisingly, this is a very famous historical spot as there’s a shoals right here, which was originally a crossing point for a number of trails that met here. Lots of Indian and pioneer stories from around here, very interesting. Anyway, it was a nice ride again, though still a bit slippery, but not bad. Apollo seemed to enjoy himself once we got out there and he discovered it wasn’t all rocky and really steep. A bit reluctant at first, understandably, considering the trails I made him go on last week. Once I got him put back on the highline I took my laundry down, then I had some visitors. A guy I met at the last camp had a friend, Stephanie, who lives near here that wanted to meet me and chat, so she and two guys from her barn came out a spent a couple of hours picking my brain about traveling and other things. After they left I drove up to the entrance gate to pay for my extra days (which I forgot to do yesterday), and Stephanie was up there asking about camping, so it looks like she might be coming back tomorrow and staying over tomorrow night. The guy that introduced us is probably coming on Sunday as well, so I guess I’ll be surrounded by folks the rest of the weekend. Seems I’m making an impression on folks in my “community,” which is rather nice. I’ve met a lot of people lately who are quite envious of my trailer and my whole lifestyle, and I can’t say I blame them, I’m so fortunate to be able to do what I’m doing, grateful every day! After they left, I let the horses out in the field, and my neighbors saw me and did the same, so the horses frisked around with each other for awhile. They did end up wandering quite a ways away, this time in the other direction (away from the many campers who came in during the day, fortunately), and we both had to holler for them before they came back at dinner time, but the eventually made their way back. I put their blankets on tonight, since it’s supposed to get down in the low 40’s tonight, I’m still hopeful I can prevent them from growing too heavy a winter coat, though their necks are starting to get some thick fur. Something else, I discovered Lola is missing some teeth, almost all the little ones between her big canines on the top. At first I thought maybe it was from using a hard frisbee (which I only did for about 5 minutes, so not likely), but then I thought that it must have happened when that horse kicked her up a Circle E last month. I don’t remember her bleeding, or even having difficulty eating, but she must have had some problems and I didn’t notice. Anyway, she’s eating fine now, but she’s lost her perfect smile, which is sad. But she did get too close the back of a bunch of horses, and she’s learned the lesson the hard way, and now she’s stays away from other horses, and mostly stays in front as well, so I guess she’ll be all right. I took my shower early so my hair would dry, and now I’m off to bed early, too, since I don’t know what time things are starting to happen tomorrow. And tomorrow is the big day for the folks at McClellan, I hope everything goes all right for them! They were forecasting rain for tomorrow almost all week, but finally the forecast is for sunny and in the 70’s, so it will be perfect for their ride. Hope it goes okay! Anyway, off to bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020 – First Ride at McIntosh

Hi Darlin’,
Couldn’t get to sleep yesterday, probably too much rest during the day! So I read late, and woke up at the usual time, so not really enough sleep. It was foggy and cloudy and wet, so I decided to do my laundry and use the dryer rather than hang things on the line, since water next week is going to be at least as much of a problem at the next place as it is here. I had to transfer water from the truck tank as it was, which required me dropping the front end down to the bottom of the jacks and raising the truck height by pulling it onto the Jiffy Jack. I used more propane than I would have liked, but I had three full tanks, and only had to switch over about halfway through the second wash, so I’m not worried. I’ve decided not to sweat using propane, after all, it’s a lot cheaper than paying for the electric in a house! Meanwhile, I worked on my computer for quite a bit, putting together some mapping ideas for McClellan like I promised. It finally cleared up around 1:30 and turned into a beautiful afternoon, so I decided I still had time to take Flash for a ride. It’s been awhile since he’s been ridden, and he was full of beans, which was compounded by the fact that the trail I took essentially looped a mile around the field across from the campsite, so Apollo was whinnying the whole time, and Flash was answering, and dancing like he wanted to go back, but eventually we got out of range once we got in the woods and started climbing. I had a map, and I’d made a GPS route and downloaded it, thank goodness, because there isn’t a single trail marker out here! Not at the trailhead, or intersections or anywhere! How crazy is that? I managed to find my way around, but I’m sure I missed a couple of corners, and if I didn’t have my GPS route programmed, I’m sure it would have been much worse. Anyway, we managed to cover about two-thirds of the trails out here, seven plus miles so far, which we did in barely two hours. I’m thinking I’ll take Apollo tomorrow, since there’s only about four miles left. Lola enjoyed herself, and so did Flash and I, it was great to be back on the trail again! Very little stone, thank goodness, but with all the rain, it was a bit muddy in a few spots, and Flash slipped on the wet leaves a few time, but nothing serious. When I had come out to saddle him, I discovered I had a neighbor move in a few sites down, a woman names Marin, and (I guess) her husband. They took a ride after I left, and got back before I did. They had put up a portable fence for their horses. I stopped by to say hello and we chatted a bit. I told her my reasons for not putting up my fence (Apollo, the escape artist, would have no problem pulling out fenceposts in the soft ground here), and she asked me if I ever thought about putting them on the field. Turns out, she’s the one the ranger was talking about that lets her horses out, so we agreed to give it a try together. She said hers don’t go that far, and I figured they wouldn’t get too far apart from each other, what with horses being a herding animal, so after I unsaddled Flash I let them both loose. A few minutes later, she let hers out and they came galloping across the field straight for my two, and they all did a little friendly dance together for a few minutes, then settled down to graze in their original pairs, about fifty feet separating them. They all looked great together! About an hour later, she called hers in for dinner, and all four of them came into my site. I grabbed my two and hooked them to their highline, and her two went off to her camp, just like all good little horses should! Like a bunch of big, well-behaved dogs! So I fed them, then settled down for the evening as the sun set over the river. A lovely day, with another one scheduled for tomorrow. Good to be someplace quiet and away from a busy road! But now it’s bedtime, so I’m off to the shower. Tonight I drank some sleepytime tea, so I’m hoping to sleep through the night for a change. Good night, babe! Love you!

Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020 – Rainy Veteran’s Day

Hi Baby,
Another morning where I woke up too early, read awhile, then drifted off for a bit before getting up. That seems to becoming a pattern. I was determined to take a day off today, so after feeding the horses I left them out to pasture, but after a couple of hours, for some unknown reason, they decided to go on walkabout in the woods at the far end of the field. Why they would leave ten acres of lush grass to wander in the woods is beyond me, but fortunately I saw them doing it, so I hopped in the truck and got after them, hooking up Apollo and having him follow by the side of the truck back to camp. I put them on the highline after that, I didn’t want any more distractions. I also took the time to fill up the water tank in the truck, and put a new windshield wiper on. Soon after the rain came in, and it did rain quite a bit all afternoon. I read and watched movies and ate too much and generally did manage to get some rest in. I’m still tired tonight though, so I’m off for an early shower and bed, and hopefully my energy will be recharged. I’m really looking forward to riding tomorrow, the trails look pretty nice, I just hope it’s dry enough! It’s supposed to be nice, I hope the weatherman’s right this time. Heading off to do my ablutions. Good night, sweetie! Love you!