After four plus years on the road full time with our horses, we’ve collected a LOT of maps! Maps of campgrounds, trail systems, even GPS “breadcrumb” trails we’ve made from our own adventures. Here we are making them all available to you!
Simply select the region in which you’re interested on the map below. That will take you to another page with a contact form. In the dropdown menu you will find there is a list of all the areas for which we have a map. Select the area you want, complete the remaining information, and click submit to send. We will email that map to you asap.
Meanwhile, in order to expand the available library of maps, would you please e-mail a copy of any maps you may have to us so we can include it on this list and others will have access to it? That would be greatly appreciated!
Of course, we make no guarantees about the accuracy of any of these maps, (and heaven knows we’ve gotten lost many times using them!), but they’re the best we could find, and will give you a good idea about where you’re going.
Please let your friends know about our Map Exchange, we think it be become a Most Valuable Asset in your horse camping world!