Sunday, January 12, 2025 – Busy With Issues

Hiya Babe,
I've really been enjoying some good night's sleep lately, pretty happy about that! Being Sunday, I slept in a little bit, it was cold again this morning, though it finally warmed up to something decent in the afternoon. I spent the morning doing laundry and some serious housekeeping, then I installed the new brake controller that I got, just before DeDe got here, and we headed out and cut some trees out of the trail on the connector that comes from across the road to orange. We were going to try for another one way up north, but here quad was giving her a bit of trouble, and we spent some time trying to figure out what that was. We finally decided her husband would come get it, and she stayed behind to have a glass of wine or two with me, because, once again, my truck wouldn't start. Even the BeatIt charger wasn't enough to get it going. I got the tractor over there and let it run for awhile, but that didn't do it, and finally, I put the charger on, and eventually, after another glass of wine, I was able to get it started. I drove her home, then stopped at Chelle's to drop off the projection screen that was donated the other day, and at Helen's to pick up some cans that she collects to donate to the forest (they have a little recycling project), but the whole time I was driving, my entire dashboard wasn't working. So, another problem to solve. I'm thinking I need to finally go get these batteries changed over, and hopefully it will fix my computer problem. If not, I have another issue to address! It was nearly dark by the time I got home, so I fed the horses, put the truck on the charger, fed me, settled down for the evening, got a hot tub in, watched a rather boring movie about life in Wyoming in 1910, and now I'm ready to call it a night. Good night, darlin'! Love you!

Saturday, January 11, 2025 – Mostly Quiet Day with Meeting

Hey Darlin',
Had a fairly quiet morning with reasonable temps after the rain came in during the night, but the temps kept dropping during the day, so I blanketed Apollo. I had already blanketed Flash last night, since he always seem to get a bit more chilled than Apollo. Did a few brief chores on the computer before heading over to Willards for TOG meeting. We got all caught up and are making good progress toward everything. I presented my map plan, which met mostly with approval, with the only bone of contention being that the hikers are only going to go by one food station, albeit they will go by it twice. The trails just don't really allow for a second food station, at least nothing that's very practical. Got back to camp and did some more computer work, doing things that came up during the meeting, and finally settled down for the evening, putting a second blanket on the horses since it's going to be down to freezing again tonight. I even skipped my hot tub, just wasn't in the mood. Heading to bed and shower shortly. Good night, sweetheart! Love you!

Thursday, January 9, 2025 – Another Day Too Cold to Ride

Hiya Babe,
Had a good night sleep, all snuggled up in my lovely new flannel sheets and several layers of quilts and my winter bathrobe. Getting tired of it being so cold! I knew it would be too cold to ride today, so I concentrated on taking care of a bunch of phone calls to sort of various medical appointments, just checkups really, and one billing problem that I spent about an hour and a half just trying to resolve, which it finally was. Typical, they were trying to charge me even though it was covered by insurance, yadayadayada. Finally got that done, then got busy sending out Press Releases and PSA's for the Taste of Goethe event. I found someone to donate a projection screen, which we needed for the inevitable powerpoint presentations, so I had to drive up to Bronson to pick that up. Google maps took me in a back way, it looked more like a horse trail and I was a bit leery taking it, and the woman wasn't answering her phone, so I was getting frustrated. She finally called me back and I found my way, but I went out the way I SHOULD have come in, which was the opposite direction. Thanks, Google! Got back to camp and spent a bit of time rolling up my old carpet runner (the one I found by the side of the road a couple of years ago), cleaned up a bit, and lay down a new carpet runner I had bought through Amazon. It's more of a burgundy with a nice Persian style print to it, but it's not laying down very flat. I'm hoping with time it eventually will, because I sure can't tape it down, not when I have to roll it up every time I move. Of course, it might fit under the slide once it's flat, which would be nice. Nice accent to the color scheme in here, though. Finally settled down for the evening, but I don't think I'll get a hot tub in, it couldn't quite make it up to temperature today. I started it a bit late, and it never got above low 50's today, so I'm not surprised. No worries, a hot shower will do me fine. Anyway, my usual one hour series, then a movie, now I'm off to bed shortly! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 – Computer Day

Hey Darlin',
I had really hoped it would warm up enough today to go riding, but by the time it reached 50 degrees, it was already too late to go. Considering it started out at 29 degrees, I'm not surprised! There were crystals forming around the edge of the water bucket! And tomorrow is supposed to be even colder! It's supposed to be close to 70 on Friday, though, so that will be my riding day. Beginning to think I need to go further south! So instead I spent the day working on my computer, preparing a press release and PSA for the Taste of Goethe, updating my contact list for local media, and generally doing more planning for the event. I also talked with the trailer place about the fact that I STILL have a leak coming from my kitchen, though now, instead of it leaking through the little drill holes someone had put in there before, now it's leaking along the big long seam where they cut a hole in the floor. I did manage to find the dead mouse, though, it was under my refrigerator, but was hidden behind the curled edge of the linoleum under there, so at least I was able to clear up that smell. I fiddled with my ice-maker as well, no matter how much I adjust it, there's still too much water coming in, making it jam up, another problem they need to come out and fix. They've promised to close up the gap on the opening in the floor that they left, so hopefully less critters will find their way in. Pretty busy but kinda boring day. Looking forward to getting back on the trail! Love you, sweetie! Good night!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 – Thinking of You on This Busy Runaround Day

Hiya Sweetie,
Can't believe it's been five years since you moved on to the undiscovered country. Miss you!! The pic is from your last ride at Oak Mountain Alabama on Nov. 19 2019. You were feeling really good that day! It was a lovely ride. Sigh. Was busy today running around. I had to take the small horse trailer all the way over to the east side of Ocala to get someone from the DMV to certify that the title I've had since 2011 in TN was actually for that trailer, because the VIN number was on a label that had completely faded out. It's a problem I've been dealing with since I first brought it to Florida, but I figured I had better get it finally straightened out. Would you believe that guy found a metal plate right on the hitch that still had enough legible numbers to believe me? I can't believe no one else, including me, never found that before, but this guy knew what he was doing. Anyway, I got the paperwork I needed, and walked over to the tax office next door, but the line was so long I gave up. We made a stop at the Walmart in Ocala for fuel and a few essentials, then I headed to the new hay store that opened in Williston, they have some spectacular, super green coastal they're getting from Live Oak, which the horses are absolutely loving, so I went to get another 21-bale bundle. Unfortunately, while I was at Chelle's, I stored the hay where Apollo could reach it, and he ate more than his fair share, so my nearly month supply dwindled down to about two weeks, the pig. Now that we're back at camp, I can at least control his intake a bit more! Then I went to the tax collector in Williston, which had no line at all, as usual, and got my new license plate. I can't believe how expensive vehicle registration is here. In TN, I didn't even have to register a horse trailer and all, and my other vehicles were about $26 a year, where here it's in the hundreds! That little horse trailer, which I'll only use about 4-5 months out of the year, cost me almost $150! Highway robbery, literally. Anyway, got that done, got back to camp, put away my groceries, stored my hay under the gooseneck, and spent the rest of the afternoon answering a long email from my supervisor. I've been finding a few issues with my trailer repairs as well. I noticed I still have dripping from under my kitchen, there are gaping openings from the cuts they made in the basement covering (which I specifically told them not to do, but they did it anyway), my ice-maker worked for about 12 hours but is now jamming, and there's a terrible smell from something that died under my refrigerator, which I can't find, so I'm thinking it got trapped between the floors or something. Guess I'll be calling the trailer place tomorrow! Finally settled down for the evening, watched an interesting sci-fi film, had my hot tub, which was reminiscent of winter nights in TN on our deck, though there wasn't snow (though it felt cold enough!), be in bed shortly! Good night, babe! Love you!

Monday, January 6, 2025 – Mostly Computer Work

Hi Babe,
Spent most of the day working on the computer, getting caught up on all the stuff that piled up over the last couple of weeks. Still putting some things away, and tried to fix my ice-maker. It worked for the first day or so, then quit working. Well, not quit, but it seems like too much water is going into it and it's jamming because the ice is too big or something. I'm wondering if they messed with the settings on it, so I'm dealing with that. Ordered two new burners for the stove, evidently that flaring they've been doing, which has been making black marks on the bottom of my pans, are because the burners are worn out. Should be an easy fix, though. Had some rain in the afternoon and cold weather is coming in for the week, which is unfortunate because I really need to ride the trails at Apex and figure out where we're going for the Taste of Goethe. Not as many trails to choose from as Tidewater, but we'll figure it out. Finally settled down for the evening, though I took my hot tub late because a breaker kept going off and I had to keep remembering to go out and turn it back on again. Not to mention the ambient temperature has gone down considerable, low 30's forecast overnight, so naturally the blankets are on the horses. Anyway, a relatively quiet and physically undemanding day, which I needed! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Sunday, January 5, 2025 – TOG Meeting and Post Installation

Hiya Darlin'!
Woke up way too early, read a bit, worked on my shoulder a bit, finally got going way later, but it felt so good! Puttered around in the morning, then went to a Taste of Goethe meeting at Willards at 12:30, got a few more things on my list of things to do, did a few chores around the campsite, then went out with DeDe to put up a couple more sign posts in the Black Prong area. Used the last two posts that I was given, need a few more before we can go any further, but happy that we got done what we did! Settled down for the evening, treated myself to a martini or two, finally got a hot tub back into the schedule now that it's up to temperature. Watched an interesting movie with Meg Ryan, won't be long out of bed, which I have now put flannel sheets on, because the weather forecast for this week is pretty brutal! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Saturday, January 4, 2025 – Finished Settling In

Hey Sweetie!
Had a wonderful night sleep back in my own bed! Laid in a bit, just to celebrate. Got busy after feeding the horses with putting up the screen room and setting up my hot tub. I was hoping it would be up to temperature by the evening, but the breaker went once and I forgot that I had to reset the temps in the hot tub, so we didn't quite make it. After that and a late breakfast, I went back to the farm to retrieve my last four bales of hay. Apollo munched through the fence the entire time they were there, so I have a lot less than I normally would, but at least they had plenty to eat over there! Took a quick trip to the DG market for a couple of things I had run out of, then when I got back, piled my hay under the gooseneck and put up the skirting to keep it dry, and finally settled down for the rest of the day, though I cleaned the public restrooms and hung up a couple of Taste of Goethe posters. Settled down to a couple of movies and a new series, had a salad and leftover turkey along with a martini, and enjoyed a much deserved quiet evening. Looking forward to shower and bed! Good night, babe! Love you!

Friday, January 3, 2025 – Finally Got My Home Back!

Hi Babe!
The day started slowly, waiting to hear whether my trailer would be ready for me today, then sped up exponentially when I learned it would be ready at noon! I was heading to the trailhead at about 10:30, but then my truck wouldn't start, with a dead battery. I realized I had left the interior light on overnight, and in their weakened state, my batteries died. My BeatIt charger wasn't enough to get it going, primarily because I had used it once before recently and I hadn't recharged it because all that was in the trailer, so I ended up having to wait to get it jumped. Finally got it going about 11:40, right after I got a call that my trailer was, in fact ready, but I went over to the trailhead first, because I wanted to do a quick runaround the paddock with my bushhog before I brought the horses over. Got that done, then headed straight to the repair place. Spent some time going over some things, then left paying a bill that I thought was more than reasonable. It took me almost an hour to get it into the site the way I wanted. Though I had put up little flags to create a line to follow, somehow I just couldn't seem to make it work, not sure why! Then I was getting stuck off the gravel, and had to maneuver around that. I'm definitely going to spread some of the gravel around to make a wider turn, since my truck has to get off the gravel to make the turn. Anyway, I finally got it in, unhooked, then headed back to the farm to pick up a load of stuff, then back to unload, then finally to pick up the horses, getting back just before sundown. Thank goodness the days are getting longer! I worked steadily to get them put away, fed, feed moved back into the trailer and hay underneath the gooseneck (though I only grabbed a bale and a half, I'll have to pick up the rest tomorrow), and managed to pretty much put everything away by 7:00. Finally made some shrimp ramen for dinner and settled down to dinner, so happy to be back in my comfortable recliner again! Made myself a cranberry/black cherry martini with dinner, followed by my mint Sleepytime tea and Lorna Doones, glad to be back on my usual routine! It was wonderful having someplace to stay while my trailer was being fixed, but it's even more wonderful coming home! Got my fireplace going (it's going down into the 30's tonight, so that baby is staying on all night!), and I'll soon be in the shower and then my own bed. Can't wait! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025 – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Hiya Sweetie!
Well, I've managed to make it to another year. It was busy, fulfilling and had plenty of new experiences and new friends. I can't wait to see what this next year holds in store for me! I let myself be lazy knowing Chelle would feed her own horses, and mine aren't too fussy about what time they get fed, so I didn't get up until after 8:00. Well, I should say, I woke up at about 3:00 a.m. and read for awhile before I finally fell back to sleep, so it's not like I slept straight through. I finally got up and fed the horses, read and chatted for a bit, moved my horse trailer out of their way because they had to move their other trailers off a cement pad where they've been sitting in anticipation of a builder coming out and putting a building on top of the pad. Eventually I drove over to Jo's for a play date and to relax where all the dogs get along before she brought her hubby home from the hospital. We wanted to get them tired enough not to jump all over him when he arrived home, and we succeeded in that apparently. Came back to the farm and found Chelle already dragging the pastures, though she left mine to me, which I was glad about. Then I munched on a turkey leg and finished off my egg nog ice cream, helped her solve a plumbing problem in her trailer, and retired to my room early to watch a movie on my laptop. Chelle is sick with a cold or something, so I don't want to get too close to her for too long, I sure don't need to catch anything! Won't be long out of bed again tonight! Good night, baby! Love you!