Archives for November 2021

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021 – Chaney Root Hunt and More Farkle

Hi Sweetie!
Woke up to the sound of David pounding limestone rock into the wheel divots right under my bedroom, but it was close to 8:00, so I didn’t mind. After chores and breakfast, we hooked up the truck and pushed the trailer back far enough so he could do the same with the trailer tires, which had sunk down enough to make the trailer pretty unlevel, so much so I was rolling to one side of my bed during the night! After he filled them in with more shell rock, we tried putting my leveling boards down, but that ended up being too high, even with one board, so we just pulled in onto the shell rock and it was just about perfect! Looking forward to a level night sleep tonight! Then I went up on the roof to take a look at where I think the leak is coming in around the refrigerator vent, took the cover off (which looked fine), and cleaned around the old seal really well. Because of the cover, I had never really put another layer down, and it does look like it needs replenishing, so that will be my job tomorrow afternoon, assuming my delivery of lap sealant arrives on time. After that, I headed out with a borrowed shovel to hunt down some chaney root. This is an island plant I learned about last year, high in iron and good for just about whatever ails you, native to the Caribbean but now widely spread throughout the South. I started drinking homemade chaney root tea last winter and my cholesterol dropped 30 points in less than 3 months, so I’m doing my best to keep that up! Well, the first few roots I dug up were pretty small, then I started looking for bigger and taller vines (it’s essentially a bramble), and that led me to some bigger roots, until the last one I dug up was HUGE! Well, certainly the biggest I’ve ever seen, but David was saying he dug one up once that literally filled a wheelbarrow. One root! Well, in less than an hour I dug up about 10 pounds of roots, which should be more than I need for my annual supply! A happy harvest today! Then some friends of my hosts came over and we sat on the porch and chatted for awhile, snacking a bit on sandwiches and sides, then after they left, we eventually all got back together for another game of Farkle, well, two games, and I actually won the second game! Considering how poorly I’d been doing in previous games, that was a relief! I have to say, I do better with games that require some skill, this one is 99 percent based on the throw of the dice, so not much skill involved, but it’s nice to have the camaraderie. Had another serving of ice cream and cherry wine, then finally got back to the trailer about 9:00. I’ll soon be heading off to shower and bed again! So good night, babe! Love you!

Monday, Nov. 8, 2021 – Nice Ride With Linda on Apollo

Hey Babe!
Another late night and morning, still trying to adjust to the new time, or just can’t seem to get off my “theatre” circadian rhythm for some reason. Did chores and had breakfast, then called Tractor Supply about the order of two bags of Balance we had hoped would be on the truck yesterday, and hit a roadblock. Typical. No one knew anything, and everyone I talked to told me what I had been told wasn’t possible. Grrrr! Frustrated, I got online on the Nutrena dealer locator and discovered the local Co-op had the Balance, so I went down and picked up two bags, plus a bag of Senior. They didn’t have the Perform for Flash, so I had to stop at Tractor Supply and get a bag there, but I had earned a $10 loyalty coupon, so at least that bag cost me about half price. Once I got those put away, I started saddling up the boys. I had invited Linda along, since her horse is out of commission for a bit while his legs heal, and she was happy to ride Apollo. We had a lovely 6 1/2 mile ride, mostly on the trails I’ve already done, but they were nice, and it warmed up to a beautiful day after a very chilly start to the morning. After we got back and put the horses away, she went off and tended to Sonny, I opened the two packages I had received today. One was for a new tailgate handle cover, which worked perfectly, and the other was for lug nut covers, which were way too small and will have to be exchanged or refunded. Then David came by with Kyle, one of his tenants that can do welding, and looked over my steps to figure out the best way to install them. They’re talking about not even using the bolts I bought, but just welding an entire seam along each end, they think that will be stronger. Whatever works, I don’t care! Then we all went into dinner, Sheila put out a big buffet spread for sandwiches, which was delicious, but as always on a buffet, I ate too much. Not going to lose any weight this week! Then we played another game of Farkle, then she brought out vanilla ice cream in stemmed glasses, and we poured Michigan Cherry Wine on it for dessert. Wow! Very nice! Oh, and I did Snowy River for them, just for fun. Then I helped Linda give Sonny another dose of bute, and headed back to the trailer, took Lola for a quick walk, and settled in for the night. Another night in the low 40’s, though Deb said it actually got down to 37 last night! Brrrr! Glad I’m so well insulated! Anyway, done for the day, heading to shower and bed in a bit. Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021 – Hay Day and Dinner With Hosts

Hi Darlin’!
Well, with the clocks changing last night, I woke up before my 7:30 alarm, and got more chores and breakfast done in plenty of time to get out to pick up my hay at 9:30. It was about a 30 minute drive to McAlpin, but it’s a big hay operation. The bales weren’t as big or as green as what I had before, but they were only $6 and it’s typical coastal, so I’m sure the horses will eat it. Made a quick stop at Walmart for some mineral spirits in case I need to strip all the old sealant off the refrigerator vent, or any other job where I might need it. I ordered some lap sealant today, so I can get the job done later in the week. Sheila arrived earlier than we expected, around 2:00, and she got her mule put away. Then we discovered that Linda’s young horse Sonny had gotten tangled up in the electric rope fence and really made a mess of his back legs, so we had to rinse those off and treat them a couple of times during the day. Then we gathered for a lovely dinner that Debbie had prepared, and afterward they introduced me to a dice game called Farkle, which was interesting and easy to learn. We treated Sonny again, then went our separate ways around the yard. I had decided that I need some kind of wireless fence for Lola, I’m getting tired of her disappearing on me and having to go get her, or having other people trying to adopt her. I met the guy that had her the other day, he claims he called several times, but couldn’t get through, but I checked and the number is working fine. Anyway, I did some research, and discovered an inexpensive system that actually works with a rechargeable battery on the transmitter as well as the receiver, which is a perfect solution. Most of them have to be plugged into power, and that means it would have to run off my trailer batteries whenever I’m not plugged in, and who knows what kind of a draw that would be. With rechargeable batteries, I can charge them every time I have the generator on when I’m boondocking, which means I don’t have to remember to turn on the machine every time I let Lola out. I hope it works as advertised, it’s the perfect solution. I ordered one, it should be here Thursday. Meanwhile she’s mostly going to be on a leash! After a nice quiet evening, it’s time to take my shower and go to bed! Good night, sweetheart! Love you!

Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 – More Rain, Housekeeping Day

Hi Sweetie!
Took a few hours to fall asleep after I went to bed last night, so I ended up sleeping late this morning. I did indeed wear earplugs because it rained all night, and kept raining most of the morning, though it was starting to slow down by the time I fed the horses, so I changed out their blankets. The lighter ones are supposed to be waterproof, but even they couldn’t keep all the rain out, and it’s been in the 40’s all night and this morning, so I took off the wet ones and put on the heavier winter blankets. After breakfast, I decided to do a really thorough cleaning in the bathroom and utility room, that kept me busy for a couple of hours, then I settled down for the evening. Didn’t ride or even meet with Pistol today, guess they got busy. Was hoping she was going to bring me some hay, I thought that’s what we talked about, but she didn’t, so I had to find another source, which I did, but they’re only available tomorrow morning, so no riding tomorrow, at least not with her. Maybe I’ll go alone later in the day, or maybe with my new neighbor, another guest arrived today with a young Morgan. We’ll see. My hosts have invited us to supper, Sheila from Michigan, the co-owner, is supposed to be arriving in the afternoon tomorrow, so it will be all of us together. Meanwhile, I’m just about ready for shower and bed! Good night, babe! Love you!

Friday, Nov. 5, 2021 – Cold and Rainy Day

Hi Babe!
Had a good night sleep last night, but woke up to the sound of a little rain falling, which turned out to be the theme for the entire day. Glad I put the horses blankets on last night! It was only 48 degrees when I got up, and it never got much higher all day long. Pistol arrived at the Music Park, and we all went into town for a few shopping items, but we all decided we didn’t want to ride in this weather, so she’s going to wait until tomorrow. Chances are, unless it gets sunnier and warmer tomorrow, I’m not going then either! You know me, I’m a fair weather rider, and this is definitely NOT fair weather! I found a puddle on the kitchen floor when I got back and I think I traced it back, there’s a serious leak down the back wall behind the refrigerator. I suspect that it’s not the ice-maker, which was my original concern, but in fact, the roof vent above the refrigerator. It’s either broken or the seal is gone, but it’s definitely bad because of the rain, and probably because I’m on a slight tilt, which must be letting the rainwater drip in. I’ve done some research and see that it’s not too much of a problem to repair or replace it (if it needs it), I’m thinking the seal is probably just gone somewhere, but I can’t check it until it stops raining. Anyway, I hope that’s it! Still doesn’t explain why the water pump keeps going off intermittently, but that’s a problem for another day! Meanwhile, I’ve put a little heater down there to hopefully keep it from pooling too much and ruining the wood. I didn’t feel like doing much of anything else today, so I just binge-watched this series I’ve been watching, Burn Notice. It’s like a spy version of MacGyver, based in Miami, which seems appropriate now that I’m back in Florida, and it’s pretty fun. Anyway, time for my Sleepytime tea, shower and another good night sleep, though I may need earplugs with the rain that’s still coming down! Good night, my darling! Love you!

Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021 – Second Ride Along Suwannee River, Washed and Waxed Truck

Hey Darlin’!
Despite going to bed at a reasonable hour, I read for hours before I finally got to sleep, was still up before 8:00 this morning. After breakfast and chores and a little bit of housework in the bathroom, I did a little shopping on the internet (I ordered a new tailgate handle cover, I lost mine when the tailgate came down), then washed the truck. Then I saddled up Apollo, who seemed more than willing to go for a ride, and we had a fairly short four-mile ride that took us about 1:15. We did a lot of jogging, so that improved our speed somewhat. I mostly did the trail along the river in reverse, and this time we took Lola with us, so she actually got to go swimming in the famous Suwannee River! After we got back and I put Apollo away, I tried out some new Maguire spray wax, which was a lot easier than paste or liquid wax, and though I doubt it will work as well, it certainly was easy to use! It looked a lot better when I got done, whether or not it will bead, I don’t know, but I’ll find out shortly, there’s rain in the forecast. Debbie came by and chatted for awhile, then I had dinner and fed the horses. I also put their blankets on, it’s supposed to get pretty chilly tonight, and there’s an increasing chance of rain, and I don’t need them catching a chill! Settled down for the evening, and I intend to get to bed fairly early, though hopefully this time I’ll actually get to sleep at a decent hour! Heading to the shower and bed shortly! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021 – First Ride Along Suwannee River

Hi Sweetie,
Even though I got to bed at a reasonable hour, I slept past 9:30 this morning! OMG! And that was without earplugs! It was so quiet here, so peaceful, perfect temperatures, and I guess I must be more tired or stressed than I thought, but it was a lovely sleep that I evidently needed. So breakfast and chores, then some trail planning (Debbie, my hostess, was kind enough to drop off a map at the trailer yesterday), plus I found a map online from the local WMD (water management district, not weapons of mass destruction), so I was able to plan something out. Once I got that done, I saddled up Flash and off we went! I wanted to find the best trail down to the Music Park so I know how long it will take me to get there when Pistol and her crew come on Friday, plus explore some other trails so I know my way around. There’s not a huge amount of trails here, so it won’t be hard, but today was my first trip, so there were a lot of stops and starts. I managed to get to the Music Park in about 40 minutes just walking (well, at Flash’s pace of walk!) and we strolled around the park getting our bearings and finding the horse camp area. Apparently they had a huge event this past weekend, attended by an unbelievable 35,000 people according to Debbie, and although I’m sure they’ve been doing a lot of work since then, the place is still a huge mess. There are piles of garbage bags at every other campsite waiting to get pick up, a lots of folks running around getting things done. The horse camping area was a parking lot of golf carts, which were apparently for rent during their Hulaween event, I’m sure they’ll be moving those soon, too. Anyway, once I got the lay of the Music Park, I headed out to explore some other trails, and found a lovely one that goes along this famous river for awhile, then cuts a little inland into some decent woods (lots of live oaks and hanging moss around, not surprising since the nearest town is called Live Oak!), until the trail ended at the river again. Found a nice direct route back (it helps that I had it all planned out on my GPS), but there are a couple of other trails that I’ll need to explore, though I have the general idea of the layout of the area now. The ride was two hours long, just over 7.6 miles, and the weather was absolutely perfect! Flash was great, as always, and he had a great roll in the paddock once I put him away. Debbie and Dave stopped by a bit later to look at the welding job, they think they’ve found someone who can do it, but Dave wanted to explain it better and wanted to take a closer look. He also said he has some limestone he can put down where my truck tires sunk in, thinks that will solve the problem. I’m not worried, we’ll figure it out somehow, always do! Finally settled down for the evening with a nice grilled burger and a new series on Prime, with plans to get to bed early again. Just have to do a French lesson, take my shower, and head to bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021 – FedEx Screws Me Again, Yet A Travel Day to Suwanee!

Hi Babe,
Unbelievable! Since FedEx didn’t call me in the morning, I finally called them, explained the situation, got transferred to dispatch IN ATLANTA, who then gave me the number for dispatch in Jax where my tire was. She researched it and discovered the package was there, but it had been loaded on the same truck as yesterday! Yeah, the WRONG TRUCK AGAIN! Then she said she could get it on the right truck, but it couldn’t get here until between noon and 2:00! The hell with it, I told her to keep in on hold, I’d come pick it up! So I drove 40 minutes to their location, waited ten minutes for them to come out with it, then drove 30 minutes to Terry Tire, where he was able to mount it for me relatively quickly. I managed to get back to the house around 11:00, got the tire put on, got packed up and was heading out right at 1:00, and arrived at my new location, my Michigan friend Sheila’s Florida property, which is almost right next to the Suwanee Music Park, or at least within riding distance. As usual, the horses load right up and the trip, fortunately, was uneventful, though I’m pretty sure if I had tried driving on the old tire it wouldn’t have made it, it was in REALLY bad shape! Sheila’s partner Debbie met me at the location and showed me where to park, though it’s not exactly level (well, it’s Florida, so it’s only off a little), and I couldn’t move it to put a board under it because the ground was a bit too soft and my tires started spinning, so that’s a problem I’ll have to solve when I leave here. Always something! The horses have a nice big shady paddock, no grass, just some weeds, but I gave them a bunch of hay and water, of course, then after I disconnected and got all my stuff set up, I ran into Live Oak, the nearest town, to the Tractor Supply for horse feed and Walmart for a few groceries. Got back, grilled myself a nice thick steak and settled down for the evening, looking forward to relaxing, no more tire stress! Be heading for my shower and bed soon, it’s really quiet here so I’m looking forward to a great night sleep, fingers crossed! So I’ll say good night, my darlin’! Love you!

Monday, Nov. 1, 2021 – FedEx Screws Me Again!

Hi Darlin’,
What a wasted day! I got a text from FedEx this morning that my package was on the truck, out to be delivered, so I spent the morning looking for the right tire place to get the tire mounted, and had plans to go to Tractor Supply and Walmart all lined up, then packing up and being mostly ready to leave in the morning. All I needed was the tire. I waited, and waited, and waited, nothing. I thought about washing the truck, but didn’t want to be in the middle of that when the tire came, so I waited and waited some more. Finally, at 4:46, I get a text saying that due to “operational reasons” my tire now isn’t coming until tomorrow! Grrrrrr! I don’t know how they stay in business! In thirty years, I don’t think I’ve EVER gotten a package on time! So I call them to try to find out why, when the package is on the truck, it can’t be delivered. Turns out, it was put on the wrong truck, wrong route! Seriously?? It’s bad enough that the package that originated in Memphis went to Mississippi, two stops in Texas, a stop in Kansas, a stop in Gainesville, FL, and finally to Jacksonville, then gets delayed because it was put on the wrong dang truck?? Suffice it to say I am not a happy camper today! I’ve asked them to get it out to me first thing, but have no hope that will actually happen. They’re supposed to call me in the morning to let me know when. I’m still hopeful I can get to my next stop tomorrow, since it’s only 100 miles, but who knows at this point. Well, just to make the day not a complete waste, I came out and helped Travis and Pistol take down the Halloween decorations, not the mention I did laundry all day, but spent the rest of the evening watching TV just trying to get my mind off things. Oh well, into each life some rain must fall, but it seems WHENEVER someone sends something FedEx, it always pours on me! Anyway, enough ranting, I’m taking my shower and going to bed. Love you, sweetie! Good night!