Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 – More Rain, Housekeeping Day

Hi Sweetie!
Took a few hours to fall asleep after I went to bed last night, so I ended up sleeping late this morning. I did indeed wear earplugs because it rained all night, and kept raining most of the morning, though it was starting to slow down by the time I fed the horses, so I changed out their blankets. The lighter ones are supposed to be waterproof, but even they couldn’t keep all the rain out, and it’s been in the 40’s all night and this morning, so I took off the wet ones and put on the heavier winter blankets. After breakfast, I decided to do a really thorough cleaning in the bathroom and utility room, that kept me busy for a couple of hours, then I settled down for the evening. Didn’t ride or even meet with Pistol today, guess they got busy. Was hoping she was going to bring me some hay, I thought that’s what we talked about, but she didn’t, so I had to find another source, which I did, but they’re only available tomorrow morning, so no riding tomorrow, at least not with her. Maybe I’ll go alone later in the day, or maybe with my new neighbor, another guest arrived today with a young Morgan. We’ll see. My hosts have invited us to supper, Sheila from Michigan, the co-owner, is supposed to be arriving in the afternoon tomorrow, so it will be all of us together. Meanwhile, I’m just about ready for shower and bed! Good night, babe! Love you!

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