Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021 – Second Ride Along Suwannee River, Washed and Waxed Truck

Hey Darlin’!
Despite going to bed at a reasonable hour, I read for hours before I finally got to sleep, was still up before 8:00 this morning. After breakfast and chores and a little bit of housework in the bathroom, I did a little shopping on the internet (I ordered a new tailgate handle cover, I lost mine when the tailgate came down), then washed the truck. Then I saddled up Apollo, who seemed more than willing to go for a ride, and we had a fairly short four-mile ride that took us about 1:15. We did a lot of jogging, so that improved our speed somewhat. I mostly did the trail along the river in reverse, and this time we took Lola with us, so she actually got to go swimming in the famous Suwannee River! After we got back and I put Apollo away, I tried out some new Maguire spray wax, which was a lot easier than paste or liquid wax, and though I doubt it will work as well, it certainly was easy to use! It looked a lot better when I got done, whether or not it will bead, I don’t know, but I’ll find out shortly, there’s rain in the forecast. Debbie came by and chatted for awhile, then I had dinner and fed the horses. I also put their blankets on, it’s supposed to get pretty chilly tonight, and there’s an increasing chance of rain, and I don’t need them catching a chill! Settled down for the evening, and I intend to get to bed fairly early, though hopefully this time I’ll actually get to sleep at a decent hour! Heading to the shower and bed shortly! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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