Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021 – First Ride Along Suwannee River

Hi Sweetie,
Even though I got to bed at a reasonable hour, I slept past 9:30 this morning! OMG! And that was without earplugs! It was so quiet here, so peaceful, perfect temperatures, and I guess I must be more tired or stressed than I thought, but it was a lovely sleep that I evidently needed. So breakfast and chores, then some trail planning (Debbie, my hostess, was kind enough to drop off a map at the trailer yesterday), plus I found a map online from the local WMD (water management district, not weapons of mass destruction), so I was able to plan something out. Once I got that done, I saddled up Flash and off we went! I wanted to find the best trail down to the Music Park so I know how long it will take me to get there when Pistol and her crew come on Friday, plus explore some other trails so I know my way around. There’s not a huge amount of trails here, so it won’t be hard, but today was my first trip, so there were a lot of stops and starts. I managed to get to the Music Park in about 40 minutes just walking (well, at Flash’s pace of walk!) and we strolled around the park getting our bearings and finding the horse camp area. Apparently they had a huge event this past weekend, attended by an unbelievable 35,000 people according to Debbie, and although I’m sure they’ve been doing a lot of work since then, the place is still a huge mess. There are piles of garbage bags at every other campsite waiting to get pick up, a lots of folks running around getting things done. The horse camping area was a parking lot of golf carts, which were apparently for rent during their Hulaween event, I’m sure they’ll be moving those soon, too. Anyway, once I got the lay of the Music Park, I headed out to explore some other trails, and found a lovely one that goes along this famous river for awhile, then cuts a little inland into some decent woods (lots of live oaks and hanging moss around, not surprising since the nearest town is called Live Oak!), until the trail ended at the river again. Found a nice direct route back (it helps that I had it all planned out on my GPS), but there are a couple of other trails that I’ll need to explore, though I have the general idea of the layout of the area now. The ride was two hours long, just over 7.6 miles, and the weather was absolutely perfect! Flash was great, as always, and he had a great roll in the paddock once I put him away. Debbie and Dave stopped by a bit later to look at the welding job, they think they’ve found someone who can do it, but Dave wanted to explain it better and wanted to take a closer look. He also said he has some limestone he can put down where my truck tires sunk in, thinks that will solve the problem. I’m not worried, we’ll figure it out somehow, always do! Finally settled down for the evening with a nice grilled burger and a new series on Prime, with plans to get to bed early again. Just have to do a French lesson, take my shower, and head to bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

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