Wednesday, September 14, 2011 – Log Splitting Day

After finally having a pretty good night’s sleep, I decided I couldn’t stand looking the the remnants of a very large oak tree that we had cut down before we left on this madcap adventur more nearly 20 months ago, so I prodded Hubby into helping me split huge logs that had been sitting in the yard all this time. Unfortunately, he discovered a lead in the hydraulics on the tractor, which affected the front-end loader, so we couldn’t move it to where the logs were, so we had to hook the baby trailer to the back of the riding mower and lug the logs to the tractor in the pole barn. Some were just a tad too long to fit in the splitter, and many were so huge we had to struggle to get them in, but after a few hours we had a nice stack of well-seasoned firewood, and a cleaner yard than we had had for ages. It was a relief to get it done at last, though I’m not sure Hubby was as thrilled at getting the job done as I was… Hopefully the labor will make for a good night sleep! Did most of our packing in the evening in preparation for our flight back to Providence tomorrow.

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