Wednesday, Sept. 4 – Computer Day for Me, Rest Day for Hubby’s Back

Woke up around 5:00 to the sound of someone starting a diesel truck, looked out and saw a fifth wheel horse trailer pulling out of the campground, don’t know what time they pulled in, but they were definitely out for an early start. Couldn’t get to sleep much after that, though, as I had a mental list of so many “things to do” that I finally capitulated and got up quietly so as to not disturb Hubby, and got busy on my computer, which, by the way, was another reason we came to Ft. Meade rather than the private campground, as the owner had indicated there was not a good cell phone signal at her place, so that definitely influenced our decision. I got a good couple of hours of work in before he finally got up and the horses started nickering to me for breakfast. Had to take a quick run out to pick up hay at the local garden center and oats at the local granary, luckily I found some good hay/alfalfa bales for $10, more than we usually pay but they are very heavy bales, and it keeps me from running around all over the place, and back to work as quickly as possible. Got quite a bit done, but forgot to take the gas can with me to pick up generator gas, so that’s another trip later. Spent the rest of the day working while Hubby mostly read, and then settled down as usual for our quiet evening.

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