Wednesday, October 6, 2021 – Another Leisurely Day

Hi Darlin’!
Even though I put my earplugs in last night, there was so much hard rain that it woke me up a couple of times it was beating so hard on the roof! It seemed to rain practically all night, and I heard later that we had nearly five inches! Everything is soggy, but it seemed to drain away pretty, though it was muddy all around. A tree came down on the other side of the loop, right across the road, so I called the office and they sent someone out to chop enough of it off the road so cars can get around it. Was surprised when the young sawyer actually got his chainsaw stuck at one point, it took us fifteen minutes to get it unstuck. I helped move the limbs and trunk sections out of the way, but he didn’t really cut much up except what was right on the road. I think we moved enough for me get past it, the road is pretty narrow right there, with trees on both sides, but I think it will be okay. Naturally, though, it’s way too wet to even attempt to go riding. I let the horses loose, though, so they could get some exercise. Poor Apollo, I’ve yet to ride him here! I was thinking about doing it tomorrow, but then I got a message from one of the women I rode with on Saturday saying she’s going to take a 15-mile road ride tomorrow and asked me to come, so it will be Flash again tomorrow. I also had Kari come by with Hal and a boxed dinner from a local barbecue place, which was really sweet of her! They kept me company for awhile, and we worked out the details of our riding plans for the weekend. Once this front finishes going through overnight, it’s supposed to be nice the rest of the weekend and into next week, fingers crossed! Read and watched TV pretty much the rest of the day, now I’m ready for shower and bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

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