Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019 – Recovery Day

After a long and tiring day yesterday, we had only enough energy to cope with Hubby’s dialysis today. Because of all the bruising from yesterdays surgery, he was quite tender, so it took an extra delicate hand to not cause him any further pain. I was worried that with all the messing around with it yesterday that I would have trouble getting him hooked up, but in the end, I managed to get a good flash and it was a good session. Thank goodness, because I felt so tired I wasn’t sure how well I’d be able to handle it if we had a lot of problems. Spent a good portion of the day trying to download my files on Carbonite, but with only my Verizon hotspot as my Internet connection, that was a LONG slog. I only got about 5% down, so at this rate, it will be weeks! There’s got to be a better way!

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