Wednesday, May 11, 2021 – Taxes DONE!

Hi Darlin’!
YAY! Got my taxes done AT LAST! Whew! It was so complicated this year, what with selling the house and becoming widowed and everything else that happened last year, but I managed to get it done by noon. Meanwhile, because of the rain and the soft ground, Apollo pulled his old trick of pulling a couple of fence posts out with his teeth and escaping out into the campground with Flash in tow. I had to stop everything and go get them back, and I had to put them on a highline, which I really didn’t want to do because it is so muddy and if they stand in one place for long it will only get worse! It was so gloomy here this afternoon that the street light came on around 2:00 and stayed on all day. I’ve even been running my electric fireplace for heat because it’s been so wet and clammy and cold. It’s going down in the 40′ tonight! I put the light blankets on the horses this morning, Flash was shivering a bit when I fed them. Now they’re settled in as best as I can get them on a highline, though it’s going to be a muddy mess before long. Nothing else I can do if Apollo is going to do his Houdini impression! I decided I deserved the rest of the day off, and relaxed with a movie and popcorn. Got everybody settled in for the night, now it’s time for me to get to bed, too! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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