Wednesday, Mar. 11, 2020 – Mostly Shopping, Brother Glenn Arrives

Hello Darlin’,
Had trouble getting to sleep last night, and just before turning the lights out I heard a lot of whooshing noise and realized that I hadn’t reset the time on the pool, and water was pouring out of the release valve opening because I had broken it and was waiting on a new part for it and forgot about it. Got pretty wet before I was able to stop it, not exactly what I needed at 1:00 in the morning, but hey, what are you going to do? Finally managed to get back to sleep, thank goodness. So this morning, my first excursion was out to Jupiter Hardware to pick up the part I needed as soon as their parts house delivered it, while also dropping off some mail, including a book order, then came back and put in the part and reset the timer. The little walker started on its way around the pool, so I’m hoping the day that it missed won’t be noticeable by the weekend. I drove up to Ranch Feed for horse feed, then over to the Kane center for euchre only to discover they had canceled all the activities because of the corona virus scare, which is really getting out of hand. People are going crazy, there’s no hand sanitizer, alcohol or (for some strange reason) toilet papers left in the stores. The stock market has plummeted over 5000 points in the last week, so our investment portfolio has taken a hit, but I have no doubt it will come bouncing back in the next few months, especially when people realize most of this has been hyped up by an insane media. Seriously, over 60,000 people die in the U.S. every year from the flu, but everyone’s getting excited about the 25 people, average age 80 years old, who have died from the corona virus. Anyway, I went straight to Walmart and did most of the shopping for the Celebration on Saturday, glad I have an extra refrigerator in the old trailer to store some of this stuff. Then at just before 8:00 brother Glenn showed up in his brand new motor home, which he did nothing but complain about all the things that didn’t work in it. We plan on putting him back by the barn where we were last year to get him out of the way and to give him some privacy, not to mention not having him blocking everything in front of the house. It didn’t take long to get him set up, as I managed to persuade him to get a 50 amp splitter, which made it easy to get him electricity, but he was railing that having to pull forward enough to plug in meant he couldn’t get a satellite signal through the trees, yada, yada, yada. Anyway, he brought a lot of stress with him, maybe he’ll be better tomorrow after a good night sleep. And maybe I can help him solve some of his electrical problems, I suspect that there may just be some switches he’s not familiar with, he’s just freaking out because it’s different from his last motor home. Sigh. Took my shower early, watched a couple of SHIELDS, now I’m off to bed, with a good book, as soon as Lola gets back from her walkabout. Love you, darling! Good night!

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