Wednesday, July 8, 2015 – Visit with Friend

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Had a nice breakfast with the family, then they went up on the roof to do the work they had planned for the week, while Hubby stayed in the RV and read, and I snuck down to the nearby little lake and went fishing. I still had some worms that I dug up last week, but I started out with a floating lure, then decided to try the crawfish my new friend at Watkins Glen had given me, and wouldn't you know, I got it snagged on a submerged tree on the very first cast, darn it! I decided I didn't want to lose it (I had tried to buy more at Walmart yesterday, but they couldn't find a price for it, and I wasn't about to wait 10 minutes for them to find one, as late as we already were running), so first I stripped of my socks and jeans, then realizing it was still too deep, I came back and took off my underwear, still too deep, came back and stripped off my shirt, now skinny-dipping! Thank goodness there was no one else around (not for my sake, for theirs!). Anyway, I had to duck underwater to get it unhooked, but I managed to release it, yeah!! Crawfish saved! I promptly put that back in the tackle box for another day when there wasn't so much windrow along the edge of the water. Then I finally went to worms and a bobber, and started catching sunfish like crazy. The first one was too small and I put it back, but they kept getting bigger and bigger, so in less than two hours (and in between throwing the ball for Lola) I had caught 7 large and medium sunfish, my best haul since I re-started fishing! Not THAT'S what I'm talking about! Just before I was getting ready to come home, friend Steve hand-delivered a cheeseburger to me! How sweet! Shortly after I finished it, I brought home my booty, beheaded and cleaned them, saving the filleting until just before I cook them. Everyone was duly impressed! After their work was done, we had another great dinner, then played some poker, and even Hubby, who HATES cards, joined in, and even won some hands! Remarkable! Now if I can just get him to play Euchre! A very enjoyable day all around!

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