Wednesday, July 7, 2010 – Work/Rest Day

Woke up in dawn’s early light, sensing something was not quite right. When I peaked out my bedroom window, I saw that our highline had stretch so much overnight that Hubby’s mare had gotten her foot over her lead rope, so we threw some clothes on and went out to get her out of trouble. We tightened the highline by pulling the truck forward a bit, then we both went back to bed. For some reason, we were both feeling very tired. I woke up with a jolt at 8:00, suddenly remembering a bill that should have been paid yesterday, so again I leaped out of bed, got on the computer, which amazingly I had enough of a cell phone signal to get on the internet, and took care of that bill, plus a few others that were coming close. I’ll just have to throw myself on the mercy of the credit card company if they charge me a late fee. (It was a holiday weekend, after all :-). Anyway, I kept busy until about 10:00, but then felt so tired I joined Hubby, who still hadn’t felt rested enough to get out of bed. He got up about an hour later, and I finally got up around noon, having gotten another good hour plus of sleep. Don’t know why we’re so tired, I guess the thin air and the rough trail took more out of us than we thought. Anyway, I got caught up with work, so we decided to just take it easy for the rest of the day. Shortly afterward, clouds rolled in and it started to rain, lightly at first, but then it looked even more threatening with thunder and lightning, so I ran out and put the horses in trailer, luckily just before the rain started getting really heavy. A few minutes after I got back inside, the precipitation turned to into HAIL for several minutes, pounding away so loudly we could hardly hear each other. It didn’t last too long, so I was able to get the horses back out after about an hour. Later in the afternoon we were joined by another RV’er by the name of Wayne, who had three dogs that immediately started sniffing the whole place. Fortunately, nobody minded the horses wandering around, and our dogs got along fine with their dogs, so it was a (thankfully) pleasant encounter. Going to bed early, as tomorrow is a travel day.

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