Wednesday, January 5, 2011 – Ride Day at Brazos Bend

The horses had a quieter night, I think they’ve finally figured out it’s probably just deer, another prey animal, and don’t really have anything to worry. Afer a hearty breakfast, and a few morning chores, we set out on our ride, taking the blue trail, the only loop that allows horses. The trail was fantastic! Well, not exactly a trail, more like a road, with mostly dirt and grass base, with the southern stretch covered in small gravel. Very easy, almost completely level. We got in a lot of trots and more canters than we’ve ever had in one ride, actually shortening the ride to just over two hours, even though it was more than 7 miles. Passed by many beautiful, huge old live oak trees, and followed along the great Brazos River for a ways as well. Stopped for a few minutes at the old derrick and let the horses graze on some fresh grass a clover, a luxury they haven’t seen in months! The weather was perfect, and it was a beautiful day all around. When we got back, we spent the rest of the day putting everything away in anticipation of our departure tomorrow, which we still believed would be going to Sam Houston National Forest, and relaxed in the evening once again. Then during the evening hours, I at last got a call from our new friend in Houston, whom we had met in Orlando and had invited us to come by and visit. I had emailed her a few times, but for some reason they were all lost in cyber, so I finally called and left her a message, and she returned the call, reassuring us we were still invited to come, so now our plans changed again (don’t you just love this freedom?) Looking forward to seeing her and her husband again, we went to bed early in anticipation of our early departure.

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