Wednesday, January 24, 2024 – Repaired GeoMat and Went Shopping

Hey Babe,
Got up to an alarm this morning in anticipation of going out with Ranger Rick and repairing a section of Geomat, a plastic webbing they put down in creekbeds to reduce erosion, that had been torn up and was all clumped up and, to my mind, hazardous for horses and needed to de-clumped somehow. We hadn't set a time, but I wanted to be ready. It turned out to be a bit later than I thought, but that was fine. I met him down at Tidewater trailhead, after stopping by Jo's and picking up a pair of her husband's waders, and we ventured out. I wasn't sure how difficult it would be to get there, though I had dropped a pin on it so I knew where it was, but none of the road maps indicated how we could get there, but it turned out to be right on Ten Mile Road, which was also part of the yellow trail, and was suitable for his truck with no problem! Once we got there, it only took about 15-20 minutes to cut out the worst of it, and it was much improved! Took a detour to look at the old Red Lodge, something that should have been preserved as a landmark but instead has been let go to the point of it being way too dilapidated to repair at this point. They should rebuild a new one, but I doubt that will happen. Anyway, it was a job well done, and glad of it! Got back to Tidewater, then drove into town to do a little shopping, then back to camp by 4:30. Settled down for the evening, looking forward to a good night sleep! Love you, sweetheart! Good night!

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