Wednesday, February 16, 2022 – More Unexpected Running Around

Hi Sweetie,
I ended up sleeping for nearly 9 hours today, and felt better than I had been for awhile, but I still felt like every exertion I made put me closer to exhaustion than it should have! After breakfast, I headed to Ranch Feed to finally pick up my two bags of feed as well as some hay for both Apollo, who will be staying at brother Jeff’s next week, and Flash as we make our way to the Cracker Trail Ride. We had to divert off the highway on to a working road just off the highway due to a really bad fatal accident that was blocking the road. After I got back from that, I did a few things in preparation, including filling the air in the tires of the little trailer, which were doing some bad vibrating last week, and when I check the tires, one was a little low and another was REALLY low, so I got my little air compressor on it, but unfortunately it crapped out before the job got done, but at least it’s a lot better than it was. Then I started to work on a problem with my generator, I think it has a bad ground, which is why it’s not starting even when I have a very well charged battery, but I discovered a bad connection with one of the cables, so I had to run into Indiantown (and thus past the closed road again) to get a part that I needed. I finished the repair and it seemed to help, but it wasn’t the best fix ever. Afterward, I had an early dinner and fed the horses before Kathleen and her two friends arrived, and we had a pleasant evening chatting. After they left, I finished a TV show, now I’m ready for shower and bed! I was really hoping for one day with nothing to do so I could relax, but that is not to be this week, so it’s going to be interesting riding 20 miles every day next week, without much rest in between. I’m hoping since I’m not involved with the planning, that I’m just a participant, that it will be more relaxing, but I’m not sure it will be, since I know Flash will want to be out front and I’m expecting I’ll have to be fighting with him along the way. Hoping maybe he’ll be too tired to worry about being first in line, but we’ll have to wait and see. Meanwhile, I’m off to shower and bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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