Wednesday, December 28, 2022 – Busy Day Out of Camp

Hi Darlin’,
Had a busy day today! Set the alarm but ended up waking up before it went off, since I went to bed so early last night. Got the horses fed and had breakfast, then was leaving camp a little after 8:00. First stop was the hardware store to pick up a couple of e-clamps to finish the repair on the tractor, which ended up not working anyway (I dropped one and didn’t try to put the second one on.) Put some duct tape on the end of the bolt, though, just to make sure they didn’t come loose and I lose them again. Got the lawn mowed, and the pool was perfect so I didn’t need to do anything to it, then headed over to the Kane Center, grabbed a bowl of beef barley soup and played a couple of hours of euchre. Small crowd, guess every one is busy with the holidays. Another stop for fuel, then Walmart for the bulk of my shopping, then a quick stop at Publix for more eggnog (as if drinking the half gallon over two days at Christmas wasn’t enough!), then finally back to camp just after sunset. Put away the perishables, then went through camp to register a couple of new folks, finally settling in for some ramin, a couple of hours of evening tv, now a quick shower and soon to bed! Love you, sweetie! Good night!

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