Wednesday, April 3, 2019 – First Day of Home Health In Port St. Lucie

Up bright and early today so that we could be at the Home Health Dialysis center in Port St. Lucie, which is an even longer drive than Stuart, arriving early, at 8:15. The point of this exercise is to refresh my initial training, since it’s been a while, and to make sure I meet the standards of Fresenius. Our nurse Rita is very thorough, and very helpful, and I remembered some forgotten stuff and learned a new thing or two, which is always helpful. I had Hubby read me my checklist, which seemed to impress her, and I didn’t forget too much, just my timing is out of whack. It was a good session, though, no problems, and we were out of there by 1:00. Can’t wait to get back to doing this at home!

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