Wednesday, Apr. 3, 2013- Finally Moving On!!

Got up with the alarm nice and early at the crack of dawn, finished packing up, said our goodbyes (although Audrey was still sound asleep, so I didn’t wake her) and headed out. A quick stop at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and another at Tractor Supply in Fort Pierce to pick up a few things, got hay at Deep Creek Stables, finally moving on to Welaka State Forest Equestrian Area, our destination for the weekend. Arrived, selected a spot from the empty camping area, then within 10 minutes felt the sprinkling of rain, which we had planned everything to work around. Quickly got the horses in their covered stalls (perfect considering the forecast rain), got the hay covered up, the satellite dish up, and before we knew it, we were settled in for the evening. We both fell asleep in our recliners, obviously a release from much pent-up anxiety over the last few weeks and months, got the horses fed and bedded down, had a relaxing evening of TV, before calling it a night, with great anticipation of a quiet night with a deep sleep, the first of (hopefully) a few before our work schedule gets REALLY busy.

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