Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013 – Post Office and Hay Runaround

Enjoyed a very quiet night, no neighbors and no sound whatsoever! Still woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep, probably from eating so late last night. After breakfast and helping Hubby get the satellite dish up, I headed out to pick up a package at the post office, and to find a few bales of hay, as I only bought a few the last time because the quality was pretty bad. I started at the Ranger’s office, believing that since Weed-free certified hay was required, they would know where to get some. Of course, that didn’t turn out to be the case, they had no clue! Well, except for one source, maybe, in Grand Island, 135 miles away!! I called the local 4-H club organizer, she only had one source and he only did large round bales. I went to the post office and asked the woman there, and she gave me a name, but wasn’t sure. I looked up his number and left a message. Then I headed for the next nearest town of Thedford, stopped at a farm equipment store, they gave me another name, whom I called and left a message. I continued on to the post office in Thedford, and there was a woman there who gave me a number of a woman who had some square bales for her own horses, but that she might sell me a few. That turned out to be my source, I managed to reach her right away, she met me in a matter of minutes, took me over to her barn and sold me 5 light bales at $8 each. I was grateful to get them, but they were pretty darn expensive, and the quality is only what I’d call fair, apparently she had a friend with a meadow who square bales for her, but she’s the only one around, everyone else does large round bales, which doesn’t help me. Hopefully I can find a source for square bales before our next stop, I really need to get some GOOD hay, and get a full load! Finally made it back to camp, settled down to do some computer work (fortunately, there is just enough of a signal here to get on the internet with my antenna booster, though I can’t make a phone call), and had a lovely quiet evening.

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