Tuesday, October 5, 2021 – Hay and Mail Day

Hi Babe!
Woke up early and well-rested, got my chores and breakfast done, then headed into town, first stopping at the post office to get my two packages, plus send out a package as well. From there I went to pick up some hay just north of town, very big bales, though loosely strung so I had to be very careful stacking it or the bale would fall apart. Roger only charged my $4 a bale, which is the best price I’ve gotten in a while, plus he threw in an extra bale, so it was a good deal. Unfortunately, the weather forecast mistimed the rain coming in, again, and I hit a couple of brief but heavy showers just before getting back to camp, darn it. I left it out in the sun for awhile, and finally got it stored away, I’m hoping it didn’t get so wet as to get moldy, fingers crossed. Of course, it will all get used up in the next couple of weeks, so it should be all right. Traded in that propane tank that expires in December for a refurbished one from Walmart, and tried to find a spare quart of oil, but evidently there’s a Rotella shortage for some reason. Anyway, heavy rain moved in later in the day, so I just had another leisurely TV binge-watching day. And that’s all the news that’s fit to print! Good night, sweetness! Love you!

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