Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019 – Hospital Day

Up bright and early as we had an hour’s drive to the hospital in Canton for Hubby’s fistula clear-out. Even though we just had this done on July 3, it seems the veins have narrowed enough to make it nearly impossible to do a good dialysis, so off we went to another hospital, this time Aultman in Canton. Arrived before our 9:00 a.m appointment time, and they were pretty quick at getting us in. I managed to log onto their wifi, but it was pretty slow, so I didn’t get very far downloading my files off Carbonite during the course of the day. They had quite a bit of trouble getting his fistula opened up, had to do some tricky procedures that took an extra hour. Worse, they felt his blood pressure was too low to give him a general anesthetic, which usually lets him sleep during the whole thing, but instead gave him locals, which kept him awake and aware the entire time, which meant he was very tired by the time they got done. It was after 4:00 by the time they finished, and we still had a couple of stops to make before getting back to camp around 7:00. Just in time to feed the horses and crash for the night!

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