Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013 – First Ride Day at Brushy Creek, IA

Because of weather forecasts that don’t look promising for the next few days, we decided to take advantage of nice weather today and go for our first ride. I plotted out a route that was supposed to be about 6 miles, but lately I’ve begun to think my Google Earth maps are just not quite accurate. We looped around toward the north, under a bridge and across a fabulous variety of terrain, from open fields to narrow woods trails winding through forest, up and down some pretty serious inclines, several creeks crossings (one was quite deep, though we skirted around the edge instead so we wouldn’t be swimming-I heard later that it’s about belly deep) and generally a beautiful ride. Stopped once at a ranger station to see if a package from Valley Vet had arrived yet (I had ordered it over the weekend, but the UPS tracking trace said it was supposed to arrive today!), but the office was closed. The ride ended up being 10 miles, though, so by the end, Hubby’s back was hurting him and he wasn’t enjoying himself the last hour or so. Too much going down steep descents. We got the horses settled in, Hubby took some Tylenol, and we settled in for dinner and TV for the night.

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