Tuesday, November 28, 2023 –Doctor, Shopping and Laundry

Hiya Babe,
Had a good long night sleep after going to bed early, woke up to the alarm, got the morning chores done, started a load of laundry, then met with Scotty, who handed over trail markers to me. Then I headed out to Dunnellon, stopping first at the Women's Club, where I'm told they might have a euchre game, or at least the interest to possibly start one, then on to my doctor's appointment, which went well, lovely folks there. Next stop was Walmart for some general shopping, then Publix where I picked up Egg Nog Ice Cream and bourbon, which is my favorite combination. Liquor store not only had my favorite bourbon, they had it on sale, so I bought two! Headed back home just in time to run into Scotty again, he had made a key for the utility room so that if I break the circuit, I can reset it, as well as restock the bathroom as necessary. Was delighted to learn that the circuit is 30 amp rather than 20, that gives me much more piece of mind! I bug-bombed the trailer before I left, so I had to open that up for a bit to air it out, found a few bugs, not as many as I feared, mostly stink bugs that I picked up in Tennessee when I stopped there, and just a few others. It's supposed to get close to freezing overnight, so hopefully I won't gather any more bugs for awhile. Another ranger, Rick, stopped by, he was supposed to turn the water off because of the freeze warning, but decided, with my encouragement, that it really wasn't necessary (seriously, the forecast was for 31 degrees for a very short time), and it was nice to meet him, since he'll be taking over for Scotty, who's leaving next week, sorry to say. Settled down for the evening to homemade soup and bourbon (with Publix Egg Nog ice cream, my favorite treat!), watched a great movie, now I'm ready for shower and bed. Last night was the first night I had the campground to myself, lovely being so quiet! Looking forward to more nights like this! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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