Tuesday, November 1 – Friday, November 4, 2011 – Sick Week

Every day the same. Slept late, struggled out of bed for breakfast, crawled back in bed for the rest of the day until dinner, cuddled with a blanket in the recliner watching TV in the evening (we managed to pirate an electrical plug to an outlet in the lodge so we didn’t have to run the generators), then to bed early and sleeping late again. No noticeable improvement in my condition despite all the sleep. Struggling with a fever that’s been ranging from 99.3-102.9. Didn’t even have the energy to read, which is my one solace when I’m sick. Really strange, I seldom get sick, and this is the longest I can ever remember being sick without my condition at least progressing. But we had to move today, so I struggled out of bed to do my best to help Hubby (which, I’m sorry to say, wasn’t much), filling up with water and moving everything over to the campsite area. Took Hubby a long time to get a satellite signal, but it seems that had more to do with a bad wire than a bad sight line, though that contributed as well. He managed in the end, stubborn man that he is, and we spent the evening watching TV before once again getting to bed early.

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