Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013 – Rain Day

The strong south wind brought in some rain overnight, and the rest of the day it stayed pretty wet, with some torrential rains at times. We had put the rain sheets on the horses last night to help keep them dry, but it was warm enough to not need their winter blankets. We spent the day working on several projects and resting from yesterday, though Hubby took a ride to town to send out some of my mail and pick up some things at the hardware store. He stopped by the main office to ask about manure disposal, as we had seen signs that said we needed to bag the manure and leave it by the road, (an in fact, there were dozens of such full black bags around, providing more wonderful obstacles for trying to back up in a site with limited room), and was told the bags were somewhere in the campground. When he came back, he looked all around and couldn’t find any, and then was told by other campers that they weren’t provided, you were supposed to use your own! Would’ve been nice if the girls in the office knew that, Hubby could have picked up some black bags in town! As it was, we didn’t have any, except for 55-gallon drum liners, but one of the maintenance guys gave us a couple. Meanwhile, other campers seem to mostly just cart it off and spread it around in the woods, an option I think we’ll be utilizing as well. Not sure why they don’t just have a few manure bunkers or something, but, hey, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen a poorly designed horse camp. In fact, this one can join a LONG list of others!!

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