Tuesday, March 16, 2021 – First Drive Since Surgery, Trailer Still in Shop

Hey Sweetie,
Woke up around 4:30 a.m., read for a bit before falling asleep until nearly 8:00. Another beautiful morning! We’ve been having a lot of them lately. Fed the critters and spent the morning mostly reading and icing my knee, then headed out to PT, driving for the first time since my knee surgery. I wasn’t suppose to do it until two weeks after, but I figure 12 days is close enough, and I didn’t really have a choice because Jeff had service calls to run. Since it’s not far, and I could use cruise control most of the way, it wasn’t bad at all. The PT ladies were surprised I wasn’t using my walking stick (I haven’t since Saturday), but that didn’t stop them from giving me a good workout today! I just felt like I was leaning on the stick too much, literally, and found I was gaining better balance without it. Did all the regular exercises and added a couple more that I need to do daily. I took more ibuprofen and iced up again as soon as I got home, I could tell I was going to ache before long from the extra workout, but I guess it means I’m making progress. Anyway, I called the RV mechanic and they were still working on it, not sure if it would be done by the end of day yet or not. Then I had a virtual video conference with the PA from the knee surgeon’s office, and was FINALLY able to take the bandage off. They did a nice job of sewing it up with dissolvable stitches underneath and super glue on top, so I’m hoping the scar won’t be too terrible, though I’m not vain enough to freak out about it. It just feels like I have a bit more freedom in my knee now, which makes it mildly less painful. He did recommend a “one-a-day” pain pill to replace the 8-9 ibuprofen I’ve been taking every day, so I need to pick that up tomorrow. I finally got a call from the RV shop, it was close to being done, though too late in the day to pick up, but we can get it in the morning. Apparently it was the gearbox on the motor, so that entire unit had to be replaced, but there was nothing wrong with any of the other parts except the bearings, so I guess I’ll be returning all of those. So it’s another night in Jeff’s guest room. He had a friend, Tom, show up, and I guess he would be staying in the guest room if it weren’t for me, but it was never mentioned, so I guess he’s staying on the couch until I get back in my trailer tomorrow. Bad timing in so many ways! Spent the evening icing and watching Netflix on my computer, took a lovely long shower without have to wrap my leg with Press N’ Seal so I feel cleaner than I have in a long time, and now I’m ready for bed! Good night, baby! Love you!

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