Tuesday, Mar. 10, 2020 – Again More Cleaning

Hey Babe,
Another day of cleaning up the house, did my best to try to get through all the layers of dust in the living room and gunk in the kitchen, managed to at least make it reasonable. Can’t really do much more until I have Jeff around to tell me where he wants to move some stuff. Good news is he was able to finish putting the motor in his van and actually got it running by the end of the day. It seemed to overheat a bit, was leaking water, but I think he got it solved, though it was after dark, so I guess we’ll find out for sure tomorrow morning. It was way late before we got the horses done, though part of that is because with daylight savings, everything seems to be happening later. Not sure I like it, actually! Though I’m sure I’ll feel differently when I’m in a horse camp rather than sitting in his back yard. Anyway, I’m off to shower and bed. Good night, my love!

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