Tuesday, June 16, 2020 – A Little Trailer Maintenance

Hey Baby,
Had a hard time getting to sleep last night (probably because I was so static all day yesterday), so was a bit lazy when I got up this morning. After chores and breakfast I finally mustered enough energy to run down to a hardware store to get the screws I needed to make the repair on the exterior panel of the trailer that’s been bulging. Got back and did my best to put them on, but could only get about half of them done because it was bulging so badly and I couldn’t get enough leverage standing on a ladder to put enough weight behind it to get the screws in, then they were rounding out so quickly, which just made things worse. Randy at Harmar said if I can’t get it done myself, he’d be willing to let one of his guys do it when I pass through that area in a couple weeks. I’ll keep trying, maybe someplace where I can get a picnic table close enough to manage it, but we’ll see. I also put some sealant around all the windows, just as a precaution, so now all I have left to do is the roof, no hurry since I did that last year, but I do need to check on it to make sure there are no leaks, particularly where that panel buckled. Meanwhile, Lola escaped for a while when I was busy working, and when she didn’t come back in a reasonable time I went looking forward, turns out someone had “found” her and the DNR guy was driving around with her in the passenger seat. I was near the lake when they passed by and I flagged them down. If only people would stop detaining her, she’d come home in her own good time, and a lot quicker! Oh well, I know they mean well. Anyway, that was pretty much the extent of my day. I’ve found some hay on Marketplace about 10 miles away, I’ll be getting some tomorrow, and Flash’s foot seems fine now, I’m going to take him out in the morning and see how it goes. Watched a rather fun mystery movie with Daniel Craig (with an indeterminate Southern accent), Christopher Plummer and an all-star case on Prime called Knives Out, done rather Agatha Christie, put them all in a room and reveal the murderer sort of style. But now I’m ready for my shower and bed, and hope that I can get to sleep earlier than last night! Good night, darlin’! Love you!

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