Tuesday, July 21, 2015 – Laundry and Recovery Day

Spent the day catching up on laundry and recovering from our long ride yesterday. Hubby is very pleased that his back was pain-free, and didn’t even need to take any pain-killers, which is a great step forward health-wise. It’s been a long recovery since he got the flu back in February, with lots of setbacks in between, but he’s finally on the road to full recovery, yeah! At horse meal time, the gray gelding that was now only one stall away from my horses started making a fuss, kicking and squealing at my horses. I switched the mare for the gelding, thinking that might quiet him down, but no luck, the gray gelding kept misbehaving. Finally, I walked down to the owner of the two horses that are on the other side (the ones I had to move away from because there was no stall in between), and asked if they would mind moving over one, because of this ornery gelding, and they happily agreed. That made it a much quieter evening, thank goodness, and we had a calm evening.

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