Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020 – Lots of Little Things, Old and New

Hey Darlin’,
I did something to twist my back again yesterday, and making the bed and getting into it took a very long time. I kept having spasms in my back, and it was extremely painful, and it reminded me of how many times you struggled to get into bed because of the pain you were in for the last few months. I took some ibuprofen before my shower, and thankfully it kicked in, so I had a good night sleep and I had no pain in the morning, so whatever it was, it passed for now. Woke up early to the sound of the brothers leaving, as Karl’s flight was out of Ft. Lauderdale at 9:00, so they had to leave before 6:00 to get there in time with rush hour traffic. I took care of the animals, then got busy on the computer doing a bunch of stuff. I managed to finish the proposal for that convention later this summer and sent it out, and also spoke to that woman from Michigan about some brainstorming they’ve done on our behalf. She’s willing to provide a venue and a guaranteed fee for her members, get bodies in the seats for a set price, then charge “non-members” a premium, all so she can get her folks trained, possibly in July. I get the impression she wants to do this for all of her clients, so maybe this is a good start to a long-term relationship that could benefit us both. I sure could use some good news like that. It would be nice if I could time it so I could take one of those Michigan Lake-to-Lake rides, too, you know I’ve been wanting to do that. Had some bad news today, too, our renters have decided the house is too much for them, and are probably going to move out this spring, so now I’m destined to go back up and finish clearing the house out sooner than I wanted. I contacted that guy from the valley who was interested in property up here on the mountain, and he’s making arrangements to go see it. I hope he makes an offer, because I sure can’t see me spending any more time there, especially without you, and I have my sights on so many things that having a house will just get in the way of my travels. Another stupid thing, there was a notice from the post office that the mailbox needs to be moved because it’s current placement (where it’s been for decades) requires the driver to back up a couple of feet to turn around (it’s a dead end road, what else could happen?), but evidently backing up is now a major safety issue with them, and they’re not allowed to do it. Their answer is to force me to move my box across the street, which is ridiculous, but I’m trying to get an exception, since I’m not there and can’t do it (nor do I want to!) Grrr! So I’m starting to feel like I’m getting caught up on the cleaning and maintenance of the trailer, but of course, then something else always happens. The electrical cord from the garage must have gotten stepped on by a horse or something, because the end got completely pulled out of the cord on the RV side, no easy feat with a cord that’s all fused together, so now I have to get that replaced tomorrow. I was really sorry about that, too, because now I don’t have electricity, and it’s going to be down in the 40’s tonight and I’ll have to run the furnace, as my electric fireplace won’t work. Got a lot done today, but have even more to do tomorrow, so I’ll say goodnight, my love!

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