Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021 – Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hi Darlin’,
Felt like Groundhog Day, starting out with a repeat of yesterday. Woke up long before the crack of dawn, headed straight up to the hospital for my stress test, which went really well as far as I could tell. I remember watching you go through one of these pharmaceutical ones and feeling like you were going to die, but I hardly had any reaction at all, so I’m hoping that means everything is fine. There’s a second part to it tomorrow that they make most people take, with rare exception, so I’m guessing I’ll be back again tomorrow, though not until 11:00, thank goodness! I didn’t think I was going to get out of here until 12:30, that’s what my appointment schedule said, but we were finished by 9:30, and that included me going to the cafeteria and getting some breakfast in between! I took my second covid test early, they were happy to get me done, and by the end of the day, that came back negative, too. I had some time to kill before my next appointment so I stopped at TJ Maxx to pick up a few more pairs of those leggings that I use for riding pants, my other ones are starting to get a big worn out, with some holes from brambles and threads starting to unravel. Their dressing rooms were closed, but they have a generous return policy if I don’t like them, but they seem like they’re pretty much the same. I’ll try them on before I head back up tomorrow in case I need to bring them back. I got to my next appointment, started with an x-ray, then seeing a Nurse Practitioner and finally, more than an hour after my appointment start time, finally saw the doctor. This time I stressed that it’s my scapula more than my shoulder that’s the problem, but in the end all they prescribed was physical therapy, so in addition to my knee I’ll be doing PT on my shoulder area as well. Not convinced that will work, but I’ll try anything at this point. Hope the insurance company understands that all that PT will be for two different things. Finally finished up there, then drove over to Ranch Feed to stock up on feed and hay, then lost a bale on the freeway on my way back to Jupiter. I saw it go, so I pulled over and backed up to where it was, and everyone was doing a good job of avoiding it. Then, just as I got out of the truck, someone in a small car crashed right into it, spreading hay everywhere! I thought they would stop but they didn’t, which surprised me because it looked like sections of something were falling off the car as it went. I think they’ll discover a lot more damage than they think once they pull over, but maybe not, I don’t know. So that was a waste of $10, wasn’t going to dodge traffic just to pick up a few flakes of hay. I was only on the freeway because I had to go to the Walmart to pick up all the prescriptions I’m going to need after the surgery. I had forgotten all about it, but they called me to remind me today, so I stopped there and got everything.. Finally got home after 4:00, stored the rest of the hay under the gooseneck, so with two full batches, now, I should be good for nearly a month. I’m going to move the feed bins into the back of the Logan trailer tomorrow so I don’t have to climb up the ramp to feed, and neither will James if he’s feeding, both of us would have trouble navigation that incline. At 5:00 James was ready to feed the critters, so we got that done in short order, and I finally settled down for the evening. Not surprising, I’m feeling pretty tired today after two early mornings, so I’m off to bed, and hoping I’ll be able to sleep better and longer now that everything seems to be on track for the knee surgery on Thursday. It will really be a relief to get that fixed, it’s really been bothering me lately, and it’s clearly not going to get better on it’s own. I hope the same is true for my shoulder, it would be great if I can get myself in really good shape before the maladies of old age start to set in. At least now I have a baseline for a lot of my vitals, which will be good going into the future. Anyway, time for shower and bed. Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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