Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020 – Sleepy Day

Hey Sweetie,
Though I ended up getting to sleep rather late last night because I was reading, I slept straight through till after 9:00 this morning, which is pretty late even for me! Then, after feeding everyone and myself breakfast, I sat down in my recliner to finish off the book I was reading, and ended up falling asleep again for almost two hours! I don’t know what’s up with that, but I did have a sore throat the last couple of days, which was mostly gone this morning, so maybe my body is just exerting itself fighting germs and I needed the sleep. I had planned to do a lot of housework, but I ended up only doing a little, just enough to say I did some, and one load of laundry, then went back to resting, since it seems that’s what my body wants. So mostly a lazy day. My knee was a little better, but it’s still pretty bad, not sure what to do about it at this point. That’s another reason more rest today was a good idea. Anyway, I expect another good night sleep, and tomorrow I have to do some shopping, once it warms up. It’s supposed to be below freezing here tonight, but warming up nicely the rest of the week. I’m hoping to ride Thursday when it’s going up to the 70’s. So I’m off to shower and bed here shortly, after I find some new books to download. Good night, baby! Love you!

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