Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2013 – Some Rest, a Few Errands

Hubby still having trouble moving around, so we spent the morning resting, though in the afternoon we had to take a trip into Sturgis to receive and send a fax so that he could claim a replacement hearing aid. We stopped at the Chamber first, and a very cheerful woman there suggested I go to the City Offices, which we did, and they were extremely helpful. We had a very nice chat with the ladies there while we waited to exchange faxes. A quick useless trip to the post office, then back to camp where we rested the rest of the day as well. Horses spent half the day on their anchors, half on their highline. Cleanup involves collecting manure and putting it in the dumpster provided, easy enough when you have the right tools, and we do! Relaxing evening for all!

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