Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015 – Rest Day at Otter Creek

Despite my exhaustion last night, I had a hard time getting to sleep, and I woke up a couple of times during the night. By the time I got up, though, it was almost nine, so I flew out to put the generator on, because one hour was not going to be enough to charge the batteries. I was planning on doing laundry here, but with me not able to use the generator before 4:00 (really?), and with the forecast saying rain this afternoon, I figured it probably won’t be today. Sure enough, rain came in late in the afternoon. We put out every bucket we had, plus the rain barrels, as we’re a long way from any water spigots, and I’d rather not carry water any farther than I have to. They all managed to get filled up during the storm, thank goodness. Spent most of the day just reading before settling down for the evening.

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