Tuesday, April 2, 2013 – Airport Pickup, Lunch, Ride with Niece, Stick Shift Lesson

 Borrowed Jeff’s Bronco to pickup Brother Glenn and Niece Audrey at the airport, with a few errands along the way, including putting gas in the truck, which was almost empty (and the gas gauge didn’t work, so we were guessing by the odometer), then we stopped at a little place called Lucky’s near the house for a late lunch. Although Audrey hadn’t slept at all the night before, she was anxious to go riding anyway, so we saddled up and headed out just before 5:00. Ran into Jeff coming home from work, he still wasn’t ready to commit to dinner plans, so we didn’t know if we were going out or cooking in… sigh. Anyway, I took Audrey along the same path I had gone with Jeff on Sunday, down the canal (which Audrey did brilliantly, even though she is a very inexperienced rider, doing everything exactly as I told her). Along the way, Apollo spooked in the same place he had spooked on Sunday with Jeff, and I discovered why.  There was a small herd of cows across the canal!  Nothing a quarter horse should be getting excited about, but then again, he doesn’t see many cows close up.  We took a break at the pavilion where she climbed the big cypress, then we headed back home, arriving right around 7:00, expecting to have dinner either ready to be prepared or everyone ready to jump into vehicles and head out. Unfortunately, my two brother couldn’t resist going out for a few cocktails, so they were nowhere to be seen when we got back. Having had a late lunch, Audrey said she was fine, but I had to feed Hubby, which I promptly did. Only because I discovered the only dinner plans were to prepare dinner whenever they got home, which was likely to be hours (which it was). Meanwhile, Audrey persuaded me (easily : -) to give her stick shift lessons on Jeff’s Lawn vehicle, not exactly a Gator, but kind of like that, something he got from a golf course maintenance crew.  We took a long ride around the neighborhood, and she did really well, only getting the shifter stuck a couple of times (which it does on me, too!), and managed to make some smooth transitions by the time we got done.  Didn’t quite get the hang of double-clutching, but that’s a pretty advanced concept that will come with time. Anyway, Audrey was practically asleep (and ended up going to be before dinner anyway) by the time the boys got home, and since I had already fed myself and Hubby, it wasn’t exactly the family dinner I had hoped it would be. Oh, well, we can’t have everything, can we? It was a pretty good day, especially since we have our departure tomorrow to look forward to!!

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