Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022 – More Posts and Chain Search

Hey Darlin’,
A good night sleep, woke up at the right time, was out again a bit after 9:30, and managed to get pretty much all of the green loop done with guide posts. Before I left, though, I noticed my logging chain was missing, dang it! Yesterday was one of the few days I didn’t lose something, or so I thought, but my chain was gone, so after finishing up the green trail, I retraced my trails from yesterday, but no luck. We had a lot of rain here yesterday afternoon, and where it was an inch or two deep before the rain, it was 6-8 inches after the rain, so it’s quite possible it was underwater and I wouldn’t have seen it. I’ll let the hunters know this weekend so if anyone finds it, I might get it back. It’s SLIGHTLY possible I lost it on Tuesday, but it would have had to have been late in the day before but I highly doubt it. I took out the power drill from the loader yesterday because I didn’t need to take it, and I’m sure I would have noticed it was missing yesterday if that was the case, so I’m banking on it being on either the Yellow/Red section of trail, or the Yellow trail between the picnic area and the water crossing just before the family camp. I’ll have to wait for the water levels to go down, though. Anyway, I hope I haven’t lost it for good, I use it all the time! I wore a back brace today, my lower back is hurting a bit, and it helped a lot. Not sure what I’m going to do tomorrow, we’ve had a lot of rain lately, pretty sure most of the areas I want to get to are too wet now. I do have some more painting to do, though, so maybe I’ll do that! Got back to camp around 1:30, did some more post planning (I swear, it feels like it’s endless!), answered some correspondence, settled down for the evening to a nice thick steak on the grill, my usual routine, though I took my shower early, now I’m ready to go straight to bed! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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