Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 – Tire and Computer Day

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Another quiet night last night, and we had a light drizzle all day. Not much of a downpour, but just enough to eventually get a few inches in several buckets and barrels we had put out, just enough to get the horses through the day. I discovered the source of the creaking, one of the trailers on the RV had gone flat during the day! Not an old tire, either, but one we had bought just a few months ago! Hubby found the hole and fixed it while I once again ran down to the cafe to check my email again. About a mile from camp, I suddenly saw two bull elk, with pretty good racks on them, stopped right in the middle of the road! For some reason, I had grabbed my camera on the way out, and I pulled it out and recorded a video of them eating in the brush, where they had moved to after stopping on the road. Gorgeous! I watched them for a few minutes, they seemed quite unperturbed by my presence so close to them, evidently they'd grown used to gawkers in vehicles nearby. I eventually moved on, and was stopped again by another car blocking the road looking at another pair munching in a yard, a female and a yearling male, with one long fuzzy antler. I took a few pictures there as well, before slowing passing the other car so as not to disturb their viewing. Got down to the cafe, checked my email quickly, and was headed back home in no time. No elk sightings on the way back, however. Once again, settled down for a very quiet evening.

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