Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021 – Some Errands, Then A Visit With Friend

Hi Darlin’!
Last night got off to a rocky start. Just before I was getting ready to take my shower, I heard a funning whoosh sound near the refrigerator, and the water pump starting running non-stop. I quick stopped the pump, suspecting what happened, went outside to the back of the refrigerator, and sure enough, the newly-installed fitting on my ice-maker had popped off. The only reason I can think of this time is that maybe I put too much teflon tape on it, and then it didn’t screw all the way on. Not sure, but can’t think of anything else! So I had to turn off the valve leading to the ice-maker so I could put the pump back on. Then I took my shower and was just crawling into bed to read at midnight when I heard the sound of thundering hooves outside my window. I put on my down jacket and went outside the check on the horses, and they were fine, quiet, and just munching on hay. When I stepped around the back corner of the trailer, I found my neighbor’s horse casually grazing. Well, I couldn’t leave him there, not knowing where he might go off to by morning, so I put a halter on him and walked him back to his electric paddock. The top tape was down a bit, but otherwise the fence looked fine. I put him away, checked to make sure the juice was on and finally make it back to bed, where I read for a long time before feeling sleeping. Got up at the usual time, did chores, breakfast etc., and looked a bit closer at the ice-maker repair. I tried to reuse the fitting but it didn’t work, so now another trip to a hardware store was in order! First, though, I got the three packages, returns to Amazon, ready, then I headed down to the UPS store in Zephyr Hills to send those off, then across the street to Lowes to pick up more fittings (this time I bought three, figuring I’ll need at least one spare!), then finally headed of to our friend Cherryl’s, who fed me lunch and we spent the afternoon chatting. I left about 4:30, picked up fuel, then headed back to camp in time to feed the horses and settle down for the evening, grilling some chicken. Since it was cloudy all day, I had to run the generator for a little over an hour, this is the first time I’ve needed it this week, so I’m happy I’ve made it this far without burning any propane for anything other than cooking and the fridge. Had to switch over to my second tank early, though, but I have three more full ones, so I’m not worried yet. Binge-watched a few episodes of Burn Notice, now I’m ready for shower and bed, I have an early morning, have to go pick up some hay first thing in the morning, so alarm will be set! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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