Thursday, May 5, 2021 – More Time on Taxes, Still Not Done

Hi Babe,
What a nightmare! I spent a good portion of the day trying to work out the problems with my taxes, did a bunch of housekeeping on my bookkeeping program, and am still not much further ahead than I was yesterday. I’m giving it a rest, though, since the two days of “rain” in the forecast lasted about two minutes this morning and the rest of the weekend looks beautiful. More rain forecast next week at my next destination, so I’m going to try it again then. I do need to go shopping tomorrow in the morning, but I’m going to try to ride Apollo in the afternoon, then ride again over the weekend. Did my PT again, like yesterday, trying to get back on a daily schedule if I can, it really makes a difference if I can do it. Been icing down my knee regularly in the evenings, too, hoping to get the last of the inflammation and pain out of there. Getting very tired of having pain in my leg! The owner here let me put the horses in a nice big grassy paddock for the day, they appreciated being out of the stall (they were stuck in there all day yesterday). I tried to dig up some chaney roots, but they’re so thick and deep I can’t seem to even reach them! I may try again later, but I’m beginning to think the easy diggings at Jeff’s was a fluke, I can seem to find any that easy to dig up anywhere else. Oh, well, it was worth a try. Might just need a bigger shovel :-). Anyway, I’ve had it for the day, I’m off for my shower and bed. Good night, hon! Love you!

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