Thursday, Mar. 5, 2020 – Busy Day

Hello Darlin’,
Got a lot done today. Started out with some long phone calls, including one that will hopefully lead to a plenary session at a big conference in Atlanta in October, courtesy of someone from the financial world that has helped us out a couple of times before, and another about next year’s OTL with the head of that. There is some conflict within the group as to whether they should skip a year and focus on other things, but it seems such a waste to stop the momentum we built up this year. Attendance numbers were better than they had been in a long time, and the enthusiasm and compliments that have been coming in are great. Anyway, that led to a pretty long discussion, too. Finally, I put on my bathing suit and headed out to the pool, not to relax but to start pressure washing the concrete. Lots of mold and dirt had built up, and even though Jeff sprayed it all with chlorine a few days ago (isn’t that bad for the environment?), it didn’t really get it clean, so I spent four solid hours doing the deck and the furniture, and still didn’t get one side of it done. I plan on finishing it off tomorrow, and then hopefully getting out the weed whacker and cleaning up some of the long weeds and grass around the various objects that are laying around. Even Karen was railing at Jeff last night about moving that big ugly Skeetermobile that’s such an eyesore, I’m still hoping we can get that moved before the weekend, even if we have to get some bodies, put it in neutral and push the dang thing out of there! Unfortunately there won’t be time for the grass to grow in it’s place, but at least that hulking rust bucket won’t be there, fingers crossed! The pool area is looking a lot better, but there are a still some junk items I have to persuade Jeff to hide or throw away. Not sure what to do about the old hot tub, though Karen suggested covering it up with a tarp, which I may end up doing. Anyway, I did take one break late in the day and jumped in, then floated around for 10-15 minutes just to rest my back. The water is almost up to 80 degrees, it’s been quite warm again for the last few days. I took one of the big pork chops Jeff grilled last night, and some of his mashed potatoes and reheated them for dinner, and added a nice salad to it. Of course, a little dish of ice cream later, too! Settled in for a few more SHIELDS, but I’m going to bed earlier tonight, as I’m tired, and I have another physically challenging day tomorrow! So good night, my love!

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