Thursday, June 30, 2011 – Computer Day

Thought we might get a ride in today, but we slept so late (perfect sleeping temperature!), and got busy on the internet (I have a better signal here than I had in Maryland!), trying to finally resolve our accommodation challenges for our next stop. Also had a call from a potential client about a possible date, and I had to do some work on that. Frankly, too tired after our long day yesterday to ride, so we settled in for a long day of work and rest. Met the neighbors and started to inquire about hay, we’re getting low and there isn’t much on craigslist, so I thought a local source might be good. Finally met a guy names Keith who found some for us. It seems there’s been a really wet spring, and everyone’s hay either got rained on or didn’t get cut until way past prime, so it’s scarce. Nevertheless, this source has last years cut for just $2.50/bale, hoping the horses will like it, but beggars can’t be choosers at this point. Gorgeous day, though, sunny, mid-70’s, absolutely perfect!

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