Thursday, June 17, 2021 – Second Ride at Ferne Clyffe

Hi Babe!
Another warm morning, another relaxing morning, finally saddled up Apollo for a short ride today. I wanted to check out the northbound trail that is part of the River to River Trail, thinking I might take Flash on Saturday, though a long section goes right beside a road in order to get the the next section of it. That didn’t exactly work out, though. We followed the creek trail, which is pretty nice, though a bit narrow, then turned up the northbound trail. It was fine for awhile, then we came across a very steep climb that was almost entirely large smooth rocks, exactly the kind the Flash was slipping on yesterday. I had put the boots on Apollo hoping that it would help with traction, but even with those on, we didn’t get 10 yards up before he started to slip. Well, I’m not out here to prove anything, and with another 30 or so yards of climbing, I wisely chose to turn us around. I dismounted and walked him down, not wanting to fall onto any of that rock. Honestly, I don’t know how horses with shoes even make it up that slope considering how much worse they are for slipping. Anyway, we diverted over to another trail that took us past some hunting fields, which were generally much easier and safer, before heading back to camp on the creek trail. Despite the boots, Apollo was till trying to avoid the gravel, so I got online and ordered some comfort pads for the Cavallo boots, figures if I was going to keep doing this rocky trails I had to do something! I also looked at some other boots I’ve heard about, and am particularly intrigued by the Scoot boot. They look well-designed, though maybe a bit flimsy-looking, but they have folks raving abouth them, so I may have to give those a try next time I need to replace boots. I like the fact they don’t rub on the bulb, which is Flash’s problem right now. The Cavallo folks just told me I had to break the boots in slowly, but how am I supposed to do that? I ride when I ride, I can’t do 20 minutes here and there for days or weeks on end. Anyway, they’re sending me something they say will help, we’ll see. Meanwhile, I’ve been mostly letting the horses graze in the yard until bedtime, watched a couple of episodes of The Duchess of Duke Street, and old BBC series I’ve been watching, took my shower early to cool off (we’re having a heat wave, lower nineties the next few days before a cold front moves through), be ready for bed soon! Love you, darlin’! Good night!

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