Thursday, Jan. 2, 2020 – Warm Day By The Pool, Hubby Takes A Bad Fall

It was such a lovely day today, actually on the hot side, so Hubby agreed to come out and sit by the pool for awhile. He’s been cooped up for so long, he really needed some fresh air, so I grabbed Jeff’s little utility cart and drove him over to the pool where he got settled in for the day. There’s very little shade there, but Hubby reminded me that we had a camping canopy that we had bought many years ago and only used a couple of times, so I climbed up to the attic/hay loft and got it down and set it up by the pool, which helped quite a bit. We spent pretty much the whole day there reading, and I even jumped into the pool a couple of times to cool off, it was that warm a day! Just the kind of day you enjoy in South Florida in January, and precisely why we come here during the winter! It would have been a fabulous day all around, except for the terrible incident when we went back to the trailer. I managed to get Hubby up the stairs and into the trailer, and he was just one step away from his recliner when I went back to get some stuff out of the cart. I thought he was fine, but at the last second before getting into his chair, he lost his balance, grabbed onto a stool for support, but it was at the wrong angle and the stool started to fall over. Hubby fell backward into the screen door, which pushed open, and Hubby toppled down the steps onto the muddy ground! OMG! I tried to get him up but couldn’t, so I got Jeff to come out and help me get him back inside to his chair. He was a mess with a cut bleeding on his forehead, fortunately not very large, but I cleaned it up and put a couple of butterfly bandages on it. His big toe had a huge swath of skin ripped off, as well as on his calf and several places on his hands. I cleaned and bandaged them all, and was thankful that it wasn’t much, much worse, which it could easily have been. He’s going to feel like he’s been in a car wreck for a few days, but it doesn’t seem to be too serious, thank goodness! Well, after all that excitement, it took some time for us to settle down for the night, but eventually things got back to normal. Well, at least as normal as it can be with Hubby being so weak these days. Fingers crossed he’s on the mend!

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