Thursday, December 29, 2022 – A Regular Day At Camp

Hey Babe,
Not much to report today, just kind of a regular day at camp. Was supposed to go riding with Bev and her group, but they were leaving much earlier than I expected, so they went without me, which turned out to be a good thing, because James came by to drop off some manure rake heads, so I put those together. I’m going to need to replace one of the screws because it’s so round out I can’t tighten enough, but I jury rigged it with another screw for the time being, will pick up a new screw next time I go into town, no big deal. Closed my horses up into a single paddock and stall, thought we’d get more people in and didn’t want to be hogging a bunch of paddocks. Looked at Apollo’s feet, there’s definitely something weird going on with his back feet, but I’ve called the farrier to set up an appointment, probably be next week before he can come out. Checked in more campers, then had a steak dinner compliments of Bev, sat around the campfire for a bit, now I’m ready for shower and bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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