Thursday, December 1, 2022 – Prep and Lawn Mowing

Hiya Darlin’!
Had a tough time getting to sleep last night for some reason, probably because I showered so late, and Flash kept nickering and getting antsy in the portable pen, so at 1:00 I decided he wasn’t going to settle down so I got up and took him back to the barn, where Apollo promptly chastised him like a parent with a kid coming home after curfew. So funny! Finally got to sleep after that, slept until 8:00, then got busy again. Put a lot of stuff away, like the skirting around the trailer, the barbecue grill, a bunch of stuff in the barn and the shed, and generally cleared some things up. I decided to mow brother Glenn’s lawn today rather than tomorrow, I already have enough to do tomorrow, so I drove over, found the pool looking great, put the new nuts and washers on the steering control, though I didn’t have the right tool to tighten them up, so before long I lost them both. Going to have to get some more before I mow again, it’s just not safe. Stopped at Tractor Supply to pick up some horse feed and eight more bales of hay for Apollo, he and Lola are getting taken over to Jeff’s tomorrow. Much cooler tonight, so I’m looking forward to a good night sleep. Settled down to a little TV and leftover ribs, won’t be long out of bed tonight! Love you babe! Good night!

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