Thursday, August 12, 2021 – Shopping Day

Hi Babe!
Was delighted to see that Flash seems to be back to his normal self this morning, so I didn’t have to worry about him when I went shopping today. I took Lola with me, she made a lot of people smile, as she always does, and we got into several conversations throughout the store. The longest was in the checkout line, there were only two registers open and the lines were really long despite it being a quiet day in the store. Michigan is still paying Covid unemployment, I think until September, so there’s a real shortage of help right now. Glad TN and FL dropped it earlier! Otherwise, it was pretty quiet day. Those plastic drawers in the back of the trailer finally gave out, so I picked up another set with an extra drawer to replace it. That helped organize things a little better, but these new ones aren’t clear, so I may have to look a little harder for things next time :-). Remember awhile back we bought some hay that had pink baling twine, and it was so original I decided to hang on to a bunch so that I could braid them into ropes for miscellaneous uses? Well, I finally did that yesterday! They were just taking up space in the drawers, so I finally braided them up and hung them on a bar in the tack area. It’s nice to get a job that’s been sitting there for years finally done! The rest of the day was pretty slow, not much going on, which is fine, I’ve been staying pretty busy this week. So I’ve settled for my usual evening routine! Love you, darlin’! Good night!

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