Thurday, November 17, 2011 – Travel Day to Valentine Stables, NC

With the alarm set early, we were up and on our way out by just after 8:00 with a cup of coffee in hand. Said our goodbyes to our hostess and headed south on 301, stopping once in Waldorf at a Burger King for breakfast (which oddly had no indoor restaurant, it was strictly a drive-thru, with a few picnic tables around the outside… Weird). Of course, we’re too big to drive-thru, so we had to stand out in the cold until our breakfast was ready. Drove the rest of the day in rain, despite earlier forecasts that it would clear up, with our load of hay getting soaked as we geaded down the highway. It finally quit raining about a half hour before we reached our destination, a layover place called Valentine Farms near Dunn, NC. A bit expensive but very conveniently located just 3 miles off I-95. Horses each had a lovely big stall with a run (though we closed the doors to the run after dinner because of the cold breeze coming through), and we were able to plug in the RV to an RV designated plug on the outside of the barn. We arrived by 3:00, tired from the early departure and busy last couple of days, so we relaxed the rest of the day, again getting to bed early.

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